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少数被动标记后不出现施事。Some passive markers are not followed by the agent.

非名词性词语在一定条件下也能充当施事。Under certain conditions, non-nominal words can also act as agents.

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两个中心意义分别为“施事将受事传送给接受者”和“施事取得受事”。The two central senses are"agent causes recipient to receive patient"and"agent gets patient".

文章对施事宾语句中动词的特点也进行了初步分析。The article gives a preliminary analysis of the characteristic of the verb in agent-object clause.

就语意上而言,过量结构只允许有意志性的施事者,并描述一个有界的情况。Semantically, the excessive construction allows only a volitional agent and denotes a telic situation.

分析了N1为施事时语义组合与句法结构之间的对应关系。Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and the semantic combination when N1 is an agent.

道歉是交际中的一种补救性施事言语行为,也是一种礼貌的社会行为。Apology is, in communicative activities, an illocutionary act of remedy and a social act of politeness.

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这种构式义压制进入其内的动词、施事和受事,使之产生新的意义或特征。This constructional meaning coerces the verb, the agent and the patient into new semantics or properties.

格语法清晰地标明了那些与语义相关联的概念,譬如施事、原因、地点、利益等等。Case Grammar shows clear semantic relevance of notions such as agency, causation, location, advantage to someone, etc.

施事可以是专名、不定的名词词组、非生物性名词词组,同样也可以是动名词和从句。Agents can not only be proper nouns, indefinite noun phrases, unanimated noun phrases, but also be gerunds and clauses.

取效行为作为施事行为的影响和结果是奥斯丁言语行为理论中一个不可分割的部分。Perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the illocutionary act, and it is an indispensable part of the speech act theory.

受形态规则制约,这些动词的施事被压制,外部题元为空。Constrained by the morphological rules, the agent of these verbs is suppressed, leaving the position empty for the external argument.

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在语义平面上,文章运用格理论,分析了名词在被动句中的格属问题,并指出受事格、施事格、工具格、结果格等是它们的主要格属。In pragmatical analysis e, we study the Nouns case, and refers to the Objective agentive instrumecal. resultative is their main case.

分配-共享构式表达的是施事和受事之间的一种分配和共享的数量关系。The Distributing and Sharing Construction expresses a quantity relation of distributing and sharing between the agent and the patient.

笔者试图从语法平面分析直接施事宾语句,探讨其结构类型和特点。The author makes effort to discuss its structural type and characteristic by means of analysis of direct agent-object clause in grammar.

其次,举例分析了连动句中主语角色的复杂性,即可以为施事论元、受事论元或施受同体论元。Secondly, this thesis takes examples to analyze the complicacy of subject which can serve as agentive argument, object argument, and both.

动结构式表达的是受事致使施事经历某种状态变化的构式义。The Resultative Construction expresses the semantics that the patient causes the agent to undergo some changes and achieve a certain state.

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原型构式中对施事、接受者与受事的语义限制常常被打破,产生隐喻转喻扩展。The semantic constraints on the agent, recipient and the patient in the prototype of the construction are often violated by metonymy and metaphor.

文章认为,施事在被动句中有跟句外的背景进行对比,以强调施动者是此而非彼的作用,因而是被动句中的话题焦点。It is thought that the action doer is the topic focus of a passive sentence, which emphasizes the role of subject in contrast with the sentence background.

在早期的理论中这种不对称的现象没有正式的地位,在传统的列表中论元结构的施事是绝对的排在客事之前的。Although this asymmetry has no official status in most earlier theories, it is implicit in the tradition of listing the Agent before the Theme in a- structure.