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这是我的构想。That was my idea.

这就是一个构想。This is the idea.

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我喜欢这些构想。I love those ideas.

这就是整个构想So that's the picture.

这是惹人注目的构想。A striking formulation.

这个餐厅是他的构想。The restaurant is his vision.

我很喜欢这个构想。I rather cottoned to the idea.

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这座雕塑的构想非常简单。The idea is disarmingly simple.

构想一个社区不难。Envisioning a community is easy.

我们的构想是一个不用现金的非洲。Our vision is a cashless Africa.

把你的构想向我说清楚。Express your ideas clearly to me.

他是该计划的构想者。He was the conceiver of the plan.

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他是该计画的构想者。He was the conceiver of the plan.

你收到了很疯狂的构想吗?Do you get any really nutty ideas?

但它却是我们可以构想的东西It's something we can think about.

你们会为这些构想申请专利吗?Are you going to patent these ideas?

子卫星的构想仍然是初步的。The moonlet idea is still preliminary.

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第四章见义勇为行为立法完善的构想。Chapter 4 The idea of perfecting the law.

你喜欢谈论你的伟大构想吗?Do you love talking about your great idea?

这是我们现在对营销的构想。That's how we're thinking about it right now.