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产自英格兰,也叫黑布丁,是用加调料的猪血或牛血煮熟后冷凝而成的。Blood Sausage, England. Also called Black Pudding.

我的毕业论文是关于蒸汽设备中的冷凝液。My thesis was on condensation in steam-supply systems.

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汽车散热器风扇电机,空调冷凝电机,暖风机。Radiator fan motor, air condition cooling fan, blower.

如果买个冷凝器就需要一个2英寸的冷凝软管。If buying an icer tip, you want a 2-inch kwik icer tube.

大量水气会喷发出来,然后冷凝成雨。Huge quantities of steam may be erupted and then condense.

我们把混合物煮沸并收集气体然后冷凝。It will boil the stuff and collect the gas and condense it.

蒸气或尘雾可能在管道,烟道或烟囱壁上冷凝。Vapor or fumes may condense on piping, ducts, or stack walls.

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冷凝装置是一个热交换器,散热器也是。A condensing unit is a heat-exchanging device, now is radiator.

冷凝装置是一个热交换器,散热器也是。A condensing unit is a heat-exchanging device, and so is radiator.

蒸汽一通过金属管就会冷凝了。As soon as the steam passes over the metal tubes, it is condensed.

内藏式冷凝系统,有效防止溶剂挥发。Inner condenser system prevents the solvent volatility effectively.

当然你实际做的,你一直在冷凝气体。And of course what you're doing is, you're always condensing the gas.

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用新能源高效冷凝式锅炉替代你的旧锅炉Replace your old boiler with a new energy efficient condensing boiler

本发明涉及一种高效无结垢冷凝管。The invention relates to an efficient anti-scaling condensation pipe.

冷凝后1周内心律失常均自行消失。Arrhythmias disappeared spontaneously within 1 week after cryoablation.

然后用这新得到的气相混合物,在冷凝器中冷凝。You take that gas phase mixture, and you condense it in your condenser.

醋酸钠,加热或冷凝时,遇水呈超饱和态。Sodium acetate, when heated and cooled, becomes supersaturated in water.

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渗透气经压缩、冷凝进一步回收,达到了减少排放的效果。The permeate gas was then compressed and condensed for further recovery.

本文对原冷凝区长度公式作了修正,并建立了总铸轧区长度的计算式。In this paper, the length formula on original condensing zone is corrected.

研究了冷凝回流在压水堆中破口失水事故中的作用。The effect of condensation reflux model in PWR LOCA analyses was investigated.