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你们好,可以效劳吗?Hello,can I help you?

愿为我最好的顾客效劳。Anything for my best customer.

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范恩剧院,愿为您效劳。Vane Theater, at your service.

山姆·史密斯办公室,我能效劳吗?Sam Smith's office,may I help you?

你好,XX酒店,有什么我能效劳的?Hello,XX Hotel, what can I do for you?

下战书好,夫人。能为您效劳吗?Good afternoon, madam. May I help you ?

啊,我的美人儿,我能为你效劳吗?Well, my Beauty, what can I do for you?

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他极愿为朋友效劳。He is only too willing to serve friends.

它是一个数字时期的公同效劳。It's public service for the digital age.

什么产品?也许我能效劳。What about it? I may po ibly be of help.

他谴责他所效劳的政府He denounces the government he's serving.

通信娱乐,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?Mediacom Entertainment, how may I help you?

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早上好,客房部。需要我效劳吗?Good morning. Housekeeping . May I help you?

这里是接待处,可以为您效劳吗?Here’s the reception. What can I do for you?

这里是大厅服务台。有什么可以为您效劳的?This is the Bell Captain’s Desk. Can I help?

属猪者天生乐于付出,谦让,为他人效劳。Pigs are born to give, to yield and to serve.

以利沙在年老病危中仍然为国效劳。Elisha still served the nation at his old age.

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下午好,夫人。我能为你效劳吗?Good afternoon , madam. What can I do fou you ?

效劳员,有只死苍蝇正在我的汤内里泅水!Waiter, there's a dead fly swimming in my soup!

只要你把烟掐掉,我乐意效劳。With pleasure, Yael, as long as you put it out.