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一幅数字绘制的风景画A digital painting of the landscape.

这个男孩子在纸上画了一张风景画。The boy painted a landscape on paper.

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我当时甚至还有幸观赏其中的一些风景画。I could even see some of the landscape paintings.

他用图钉把那张风景画钉在墙上。He thumbtacked the picture of landscape to the wall.

山光水声,犹如一幅配乐的风景画。Shan Kwong water, the landscape is like a soundtrack.

这是该艺术家风景画作品中售价最贵的一件。The price was a record for a landscape by the artist.

尤其是这位女士,她画的风景画无以伦比。Especially the lady, who paints landscape so inimitably.

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据说曾有整条棉被都被装饰成这样蓝色和绿色的风景画。Entire quilts were reportedly transformed into blue-green seascapes.

风景画这样平和的内容便不会引起这样的反应。Videos of neutral content, such as landscapes, induce no such response.

英国风景画画家约翰·克罗姆生于诺里克一个贫穷织布工家庭。English landscape painter, was born at Norwich, the son of a poor weaver.

列维坦的风景画艺术蕴含着一种深刻的悲剧品格。Levitan's landscape painting contains one kind of incisive tragic quality.

康斯特布尔的风景画在首次展出时受到了冷遇。Constable's landscapes met with indifference when they were first exhibited.

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我喜欢画画和写故事,我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。I like to draw pictures and write stories, I prefer landscape to still life.

史隆以风景画见长,他的作品洋溢著祥和宁静的氛围。Sloane was proficient in landscape paintings of which bore serene atmosphere.

展出的大部分作品是各种风格的风景画和风俗画。Most of the works on show are landscape and genre paintings in various styles.

伯纳德到乡下去上美术课,学习如何画风景画。bernard's art class took a trip to the country to learn how to paint landscapes.

罗伯特韦伯斯特在他在孟斐斯的家的后院里做风景画。Robert Webster was in the backyard of his home in Memphis doing some landscaping.

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它给我们的校园换上了一幅有着浓厚的春天气息的风景画。It gives our campus changed the spring with a strong flavor of landscape painting.

英国画家,以其立体派静物画与抽象几何风景画闻名。British painter known for his Cubist still lifes and abstract geometric landscapes.

而透纳开始创作他一生钻研、挚爱的风景画。But Turner had begun to develop what became a life long love of landscape painting.