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一切如常。Things are as usual.

而现在,我们可以放心如常了。Instead, we can now move on.

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星期天,我们如常到婆婆家。Sunday, we went to Por Por's home as usual.

尽管他心中焦急,但仍然举止如常。He was behaving normally in spite of his anxiety.

他看起来性感。但仍然,如常地有礼。He looks sexy. But still, he is mannerly as usual.

正如常所说,诉论不会自动开始。As already suggested, lawsuits do not begin themselves.

全科医学的女性化倾向—危机还是如常?The feminisation of general practice—crisis or business as usual?

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这些地方性的政府将继续如常运作。These subnational governments have continued to operate as usual.

为使他们的性命,脱免死亡,为使他们在饥馑时,生活如常。Delivering them from death, keeping them alive in times of famine.

变身与牌面朝下的永久物之规则会如常适用之。The rules for morph and face-down permanents apply to it normally.

装箱时唛头如常,为菱形图案中我方词首字母。The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.

不要一直对这件事谈来谈去,学校的一切事务如常进行。Donot mention or talk this all the time. School activies go on as usual.

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既没有警铃响起,也没有冰晶在隔水舱壁上凝结,一切如常。No bells rang, no ice crystals appeared on the bulkheads , nothing changed.

当盖兹为“反托拉斯”审判辩护时,鲍尔曼负责使公司运转如常。Gates ran the antitrust trial defense while Ballmer was running the company.

一九九五年四月的最后一天,尹约基如常于晚膳后入睡。Henry Wanyoike went to bed as usual after dinner on the last day of April 1995.

报道说,只有三分之一的铁路建设项目还运转如常。Only a third of railway construction projects were continuing normally, it said.

其它SUPPLIER现有的欧洲大缸客户可如常操作。The rest of existing spa customers of SUPPLIER in Europe can deal with as usual.

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当你成功的梦想日复一日变得粉碎时,振作起来生活如常。Pulling your life together, day after day, when your dreams of success have shattered.

回到后台,她卸下妆来,仍然平静如常,她的朋友感到不可思议。Returning back to the make-up room, she cleansed her makeup and still maintained calm.

事件澄清后,很多品牌商愿意再赞助MODES拍照,一切如常。Events after clarification, many brands want to sponsor MODES photos, business as usual.