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道路标示作図装置。A road surface drawing device.

有两个房间用卡片标示着他的名字。His name was carded upon two rooms.

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在…以下在…以下,如刻度尺上标示的。Lower than, as on a graduated scale.

产区必须标示在酒标上。Areas must be marked on the wine label.

电压标示定义?。VID? Voltage Identification Definition?

外侧镶嵌有13个标示音位的玉徽或金徽。On the edges are 13 inlaid jade markers.

俱乐部会员号码在会员凭证上标示。The clubber's number on member's evidence.

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标示出频繁合并和常用表。Identify frequent joins and high-use tables.

你可以大胆或标示选定字体。You can Bold or Italicize the selected font.

在这幅地图上黑线标示疆界。Black lines designate boundaries on this map.

给新报表起一个名字和一个标示符。Give the new report a name and an identifier.

错误会用一个小红叉来标示。Errors will be marked with a little red cross.

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多数来自赖比瑞亚的钻石标示正确。Most diamonds from Liberia are labeled correctly.

我已校阅过并以黄色标示出我所修改之处。I had revised it, and marked my revision in yellow.

标示出至少7磅的外拉力及其方向。LBS. minimum pull-out force in direction indicated.

我在书里夹了一张纸以标示我读到什么地方。I put a piece of paper in the book to keep my place.

食物在规画相位之下标示指示装置。PROG Label indicating device under programming phase.

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装货集装箱一定要适当地被公告而且标示。Bulk containers must be properly placarded and marked.

对于已经批准刻痕片剂的命名和标示。Nomenclature and labeling for approved scored tablets.

免费载体的品牌标示的CDR,每股收益和WMF的格式。Free vector brand logotypes in CDR, EPS and WMF formats.