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一座街垒,便是吉布妈妈的一场茶会。A barricade is Mother Gibou's tea.

茶会下战书六点半开端。The tea party began at half past six.

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她为开茶会的事曾给你打过电话。She tried to call you about the tea party.

他请她参加茶会,她拒绝了他的邀请。She refused his invitation to the tea party.

他把许多同学拖来参加茶会。He raked many classmates in to the tea party.

在茶会上他使她杯子不空,使她摆脱了窘境。He debarrassed her of an empty cup at the tea-party.

昨天他陪着女朋友去参加茶会。He carried his girl-friend to the tea party yesterday.

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咖啡和茶会在茶杯和马克杯上留下顽渍。Coffee and tea can leave stubborn marks on cups and mugs.

现在女孩们有了约会、茶会并在外玩通宵。Now the girls have play dates, tea parties and sleepovers.

睡觉前喝被冰镇凉茶会让你有个好觉。A calming tea before bedtime can ensure a good night's sleep.

我们为庆祝校长的银婚举行了一次茶会。We had a tea party to celebrate our headmaster's silver wedding.

第三乐章的小步舞曲带来宫廷舞会和高级茶会的景象。The third movement menuetto brings images ofcourtly balls and high tea.

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在假民粹主义的茶会地点,他提出真正的民粹主义。In the place of the fake populism of the Tea Party, he offered real populism.

与巴拉克·奥巴马、弗拉基米尔·普京或者是伊丽莎白二世女王共聚茶会—嗯,类似茶会。A tea party with Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin or Queen Elizabeth II –well, sort of.

中国人极少办茶会,即使有,也是主人亲自给客人斟茶。China rarely do tea party, even if there are also masters of guests Zhencha personally.

分钟后,牧师建议她下星期二来参加茶会,到时候继续聊。At the end of 30 minutes, he suggests that she show up at their Tuesday coffee and chat group.

茶在冲泡时,紧包着的银针茶会慢慢松开来,然后在内的花串就会向上,形成一朵美丽的水中花。When the tea ball is brewing with hot water, the tea ball will slowly open like flower blooming.

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不然,他还不如从白宫搬出去,将大权交给茶会党。Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party.

如果你是参加旅行团的话,如时间许可,你应参加旅行社在团队出发前所举办的茶会。If you join package tours, it's worth attending their pre-trip briefing sessions when time allows.

我知道他们都等着我说几句隽词妙语,可是直到茶会开完了,我仍然想不出什么有风趣的话来。I felt they expected me to say clever things, and I never could think of any till after the party was over.