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请向厨师代为致意!Mys to the chef!

向您的夫人致意。Mys to your wife.

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我们互相点头致意。We nod to each other.

她咧嘴笑着,并挥手致意。She grinned and waved.

请帮我跟厨师致意。My compliments to the chef.

请代我向他致意。Please give him my regards.

他吻吻她的脸向她致意。He saluted her on the cheek.

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向您的夫人致意。My compliments to your wife.

保卢斯向我点了下头,算是致意。Paulus greeted me with a nod.

她用微笑向他致意。She greeted him with a smile.

请代我向令妹致意。Please give your sister my love.

谨以挚诚的心向沈殿霞女士致意!Tribute is sincerely paid to Ms.

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她隔街向我挥手致意。She waved to me across the street.

请代我向令妹致意。Please give my love to your sister.

也望能为我向他致意。Remember me to one who lives there.

那条船鸣汽笛致意。The boat tooted its whistle salutation.

他们向观众挥手致意并走向后台。They waved as she guided him backstage.

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躬身致意吧,大天使,在你幽暗的居所。Bow down, archangels, in your dim abode.

在听众进入会场时向他们致意。Greet some of the audience as they arrive.

当那位妇人走近时,他举帽致意。He raised his hat as the lady come to him.