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今天我要好好对您献殷勤。I will flatter you today.

他向你献殷勤你又何必感激。No thanks to his gallantry for that.

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他向你献殷勤你又何必感激。No thanks to his gallantry for that.

他在舞会上对女士们大献殷勤。Gallants gambled away a fortune at a sitting.

严肃的?调侃的?奥斯卡向社会化媒体献殷勤Serious? Snarky? Oscar Courts a Social Medium

他曾向芝加哥政客大献殷勤。He cosied up to Chicago's machine politicians.

男人经常给女人买早点,并非为了献殷勤。Men often buy women breakfast not for gallantry.

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我不喜欢托比,因为他老是向有钱人献殷勤。I don't like Toby, as he always fawns on the rich.

爱丽丝在老板面前可会献殷勤了。Alice is so good at dancing attendance on her boss.

我不想记住你,别给我献殷勤了!I don't want to remember you! Do not re-dedication !

丘比特和他的小天使们将环绕着你大献殷勤。Cupid and his fleet of angels will be working hard for you!

男人心虚的反应常有两种,献殷勤和耍无赖!A man guilty of reaction often have two kinds, xianyanqi and!

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你想想他多会献殷勤呀,别的男士还没来他就来了!Only think of his gallantry in coming away before the other men!

当我要求你停止你向你同学献殷勤时,你必须停止。Stop when we ask you to stop out of courtesy to your classmates.

戴维向那个年轻的电影明星献殷勤已有半年之久。David has been rushing that young movie star for nearly half a year.

在詹尼佛的生日聚会上,我真不敢相信她男朋友居然向我献殷勤!At Jennifer's birthday party, I can't believe her boyfriend hit on me!

威洛比爵士向维农和霍拉斯很不自然地献殷勤。Sir Willoughby had practiced a studied courtness upon Vernon and horace.

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汤姆在聚会上围着那位姑娘献殷勤,伺机和她交谈。Tom circled about the girl at the party, waiting for a chance to talk to her.

陈宇飞又是承认错误又是献殷勤,任凭常兰怎样谩骂都以笑脸相迎。Van admit mistakes and courting, how let Chang Lan abuse to greeted with a grin.

一整晚你就是天花乱坠的向我献殷勤。Lady Windermere. Well, you kept paying me elaborate compliments the whole evening.