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建立了未熟油的生油模式。Model of immature oil generation is established.

台北凹陷西部的油源基本上都来自胜北洼陷,由于胜北洼陷生油岩埋藏深。Oil and gas in the west of Taibei sag come from Shengbei depression basically.

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生油母质干酪根是石油地质工作研究的重要对象。Oil-generating Parent material kerogen is the important target in petroleum geology study.

泌阳断陷沉积了巨厚的老第三系稳定的湖相水下沉积,深凹区是主要的生油区,地层极平缓。The layers in the deep depression which was the main oil source area are almost horizontal.

因此,晶洞油和内幕油藏原油可能主要来自碳酸盐生油岩。Therefore, themiarolitic oil and inside-hill oil may mainly come from carbonate source rocks.

多旋回沉积产生多元复合成烃的生油体系。Polycyclic sedimentation formed an oil generating system with multiple polygenetic hydrocarbon.

瓦煲内烧热生油,爆香乾�、冬菇、虾乾、腊肠、鸭�肠,取出留后用。Heat oil in a clay pot, fry shallots, mushroom, dried prawns and sausages and reserve for later.

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其有利的生油条件、丰富的资源量是油气藏形成的物质基础。The advantaged oil conditions and rich resource are the physical basis of oil and gas reservoir.

远源碰撞山间盆地属压性盆地,生油岩系不发育。The distal-collisional intermontane basin is a compressive basin, with poor developed source rocks.

我又借它而为你们创造一种树,从西奈山发出,能生油汁和作料,供食者调味之用。Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and relish for those who use it for food.

当一种偏于生油的源岩成熟,则生成重油,然后继之以生成中度油及轻油。As an oil-prone source rock matures, the generation of heavy oils is succeeded by medium and light oils.

近数年来热解技术在我国生油岩研究中取得了几项成果。Some achievements in source rock research have been attained in recent years by using pyrolysis technique.

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延长组长7段最大湖泛期发育一套暗色泥岩,干酪根类型为腐植-腐泥型,是盆地主要生油岩。Dark mudstones were developed in the maximum lake flooding period of Chang 7, which are the main source rocks.

用木匙边煮边搅拌,至混合物煮至浓稠成滑糕状,便下生油,关火。Use wooden spoon to stir continuously, cook over low heat until mixture thickens, add oil and turn off the heat.

这些富氢显微组分应该是煤系有机质中主要的生油显微组分。It is indicated that these hydrogen-rich macerals are main material to generate oil in the Jurassic coal measures.

不同发展期有不同沉积环境,因而形成了不同生油能力的生油岩。Different depositional environments in different evolution periods resulted in different source rocks respectively.

在碎屑岩剖面中,生油岩是富含有抗物质——干酪根的暗色泥岩。In the section of clastic rock, kuchersite is a kind of mela-shale, witha rich content of organic matter---kerogen.

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在压实作用驱动下,油气藏围绕盆地生油中心成环状分布。These different basin-wide geofluids flow patterns have different effects on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.

侏罗系烃源岩地表处于低成熟油气生成阶段,覆盖区在生油窗之内,为现实烃源岩。They are at mature to highly mature stage in Kekeya and Pusha-Keliyang areas, as practical hydrocarbon source rocks.

结果表明冀中坳陷北部存在一个明显的凝析油的熟化系列,它与生油岩的不同热演化作用阶段相对应。The results show that the condensates with the different levels of maturity exited in the northern Jizhong de- pression.