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尽管汽车是新的,仍然发出格格声。Thoughthe car is new,it rattles.

今日的出格菜是烤羊腿。Today's special is roast leg of lamb.

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结果检出格列本脲。Results Glibenclamide was detected out.

特雷斯克先生,你压根就不知道什么叫出格。You don't know what out of order is, Mr.

我出格喜欢歌曲和流行音乐。I dig songs and Ilike pop music very much.

一个冬天的早晨,天色出格阴晦。It was morning but the winter sky was dark.

适当违背常规,做一些出格的事,疯狂一点吧!Do something out of wack. Get a little crazy.

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和乐队在一起时,她特别喜欢开出格的玩笑。She jokes a lot, especially when she's with her band.

然后他又威胁要西奥多帮他找出格雷琴。Self then threatens T-Bag to get him to find Gretchen.

我这么办,循的是人生的常规,毫无出格之处。There is nothing out of the common course of life in my doing this.

我出格想听听你的声音,你能餍足我这个小小的心愿吗?。i just want to hear your voice. could you speak to me a little bit?

她和杜洛埃的那一段小小的调情现在看来似乎出格了。Her little flirtation with Drouet seemed now an extraordinary thing.

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这些个炊火要出格小心,稍有火星就能导致爆炸。Do be careful with these fireworks, a slight spark could set them off.

这家商展卖的腕表都是精品,而且种类还出格多。This shop sells a wide range of watches all of which are the choicest.

梅斯说,婴儿们正在贝尔法斯特受到出格护理。Mayes said the babies were beingcared for in intensive care in Belfast.

有些标语则更加出格,在法国国旗上描绘了纳粹标志。Some placards went further, depicting Nazi swastikas on the French flag.

所以我们应该拔取一些好节目来看,出格是对孩子们。So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children.

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但即使在单性生殖的动物中,也有出格的事情发生。Hostess But even here among the virgins, there is something else going on.

我把我的旧洗衣机的旋转式脱水筒开到最快速度时,它就会拼命发出格格的响声。My old washing machine rattles like fun when I put it on maximum spin speed.

她出格喜欢说别人的闲话,是我们这出了名的长舌妇。She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.