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像鹦鹉一样飞。Fly like a budgie.

我喜欢你的鹦鹉!I like your parrot!

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我的鹦鹉会学人语。My parrot can talk.

鹦鹉是鸣鸟吗?Are parrot warblers?

我有2迷你金刚鹦鹉。I have 2 mini-Macaws.

据说鹦鹉爱上了小鱼。Beacause he love a fish.

请放开那生鹦鹉!Please spare the parrot!

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看到我的长尾鹦鹉了吗?Have you seen my parakeet?

我的鹦鹉叫琦琦。My parrot’s name is Chichi.

金刚鹦鹉用嘴整理它的羽毛。A macaw preens its feathers.

爱丽丝将养一只宠物鹦鹉。Alice will keep a pet parrot.

隔邻养了一只鹦鹉。My next neighbor has a parrot.

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这只鹦鹉应该有个名字。This parrot should have a name.

你的鹦鹉叫什么名字?What’s the name of your parrot?

而马拉卡纳是一种鹦鹉的名字。Maracana is a species of parrot.

也不想要巧嘴鹦鹉。I don't want a parrot that talks.

玛丽收到一份礼物,是一只鹦鹉。Mary received a parrot as a gift.

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海鹦鹉能飞,但飞不远。Puffins can fly, but not very far.

星期一她画了一只红色的鹦鹉。She paints a red budgie on Monday.

鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了。The parrot squawked and flew away.