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埃德尔曼博士对此表示异议。Dr. Alderman disagrees.

谁在异议邦国?Who its challenges are?

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他对这点没有异议。He doesn't dispute that.

她对我的看法提出异议。She demurred to my view.

福克纳在另一方面有异议--情节的虚构度不够。It's not fictional enough.

他们可以自由地异议They were free to dissent.

他对我的陈述提出异议。He demurred to my statement.

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他否决了我所有的异议。He overbore all my objections.

这修正案遭到异议。The amendment was disagreed to.

异议书已送达英特尔。Demur book already service Intel.

异议人士按叛国罪论处。Dissent was tantamount to treason.

张爱梅提出异议说,可能只够两个。Ms. Zhang demurs. 'Maybe only two.'

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这会造成一系列的异议纷争。This will create a lot of dissention.

首先是对行为主义的异议。First it is a reaction to behaviorism.

他去向经理提出异议。He went to the manager to remonstrate.

而你们不能有任何异议。Shine, and you cannot have any dissents.

她突然插嘴提了个可笑的异议。She broke in with a ridiculous objection.

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提案毫无异议地通过了。The bill was passed without any demurral.

很好,这是个有趣的异议。All right. That's an interesting objection.

这也就是第二点异议。And so that led us to the second objection.