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文中分别介绍了用计算机求最小外接圆和最大内切圆的新算法。The new algorithms to find out minimum circumscribed and maximum inscribed circle with computer are respectively introduced.

棒材规格指圆棒直径、如方棒及多角形棒指内切圆直径。Rod material specification regarding to the diametre of round rod. Square rod and multi-shaped rod regarding to inside diametre.

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棒材规格指圆棒直径、方棒及多角形棒指内切圆直径。Rod material specification regarding to the diametre of round rod. Square rod and multi- shaped rod regarding to inside diametre.

利用声波法监测炉内切圆流场,传统的处理数据方法是优化求解法。The traditional method of treating with data is optimizing method in monitoring furnace tangential fluid field by acoustic method.

在蜡台上设有特殊的成型片弹簧。弹簧夹口呈三角形状,蜡烛被固定在三角形内切圆位置上。Its specially-shaped leaf spring constitutes a triangle with the candle being fixed in the position of inscribed circle of the triangle.

提出了一种求解等边三角形及其内切圆的图像圆环点坐标新方法。A new method for solving the coordinates of circular points in an image of an equilateral triangle and its inscribed circle was proposed.

对于轴承游隙、内切圆、精度等级特殊要求的详细情况应与本公司联系。For fuller information on the special requirements of bearing running clearance, inscribed circle and accuracy grade , please contact this company.

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最后一次计算所得到的圆心恰好是被测轮廓的最大内切圆圆心,该方法的优点在于不存在原理误差,速度快,一般二、三次计算即可,给出了程序流程图。A flow chart of program and two examples are given in the paper. There is no principle error or method error in the results calculated by the formulae.

本文介绍了用最大内切圆法评定圆度误差的原理。此方法为检验和评定提供了方便。In this paper, the principle of judging the error in roundness by maximum inscribed circle method is presented, This method is of benefit to the inspection and judgement.

本文提出了一种新的椭圆生成算法,利用椭圆与其外接圆和内切圆之间的相互位置关系,通过先生成两个圆来生成一个椭圆。This paper proposes a new ellipse-generation algorithm based on geometric relations. It makes use of the geometric relations between an ellipse and its circumcircle and inscribed circle.

因此避免了“内切圆校正法”中型线调整和面积计算等方面的不足,为离心泵叶轮CAD提供了一种有效的轴面流道建模方法。Without inconvenience in shape alteration as well as inaccuracy in area calculation in traditional design methods, an effectively constraint modeling method of the profiles in CAD is obtained.