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增加了整车抗扭力强度。An increase of anti-torque strength Vehicle.

使我高兴的是其中底是有扭力的坚硬。I was very pleased with the torsional rigidity of the midsole.

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撑开过程的扭力变化如何?。What is the distractive torsion change during the distraction?

当测量小扭力时,用细弹簧替换粗弹簧。When measuring the lower torque, replace to with a liny spring.

在INSTRON材料试验机分别做张力、扭力及弯曲负荷测试。Finally, tension, torsion, and bending tests are performed with INSTRON.

对某车辆的扭力轴进行了试验验证,结果表明该系统是可行的。Remanufacturing test on a torsion bar shows that the system is feasible.

把头轴承工作正常并且有适当的扭力。Your steering-head bearings should be in good shape and properly torqued.

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只要是驱动叶轮转得比被动叶轮快扭力就增加。As iong as the pump turns faster than the turbine the torque is increased.

中坝气田在扭力的作用下,外形呈S形。Formed under the force of contortion, the gas field takes a S configuration.

手排变速箱设计由驾驶人变换档位,提供大小不同的扭力。In manual designs, the driver shifts the gears to deliver different torques.

底盘悬挂避震系统-钢,气压,油压,减震器,扭力平衡杆。Chassis Suspension System-steel, Air, Hydraulic, shock Absorbers, Torsion Bars.

再次扭转安装螺丝的换向电子阀,跟随手册中的扭力值转开。Retorque pilot valve mounting screws, following the torque values in this manual.

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拧紧车轮螺帽直到所有螺帽都达到适当的扭力,以免刹车变形。Tighten wheel nuts until all are properly torqued, to eliminate brake distortion.

他打到了冰球后面的冰上,对球棍承受的扭力有点太大了。He hit the ice well behind the puck and a little bit too much torque on the stick.

他们能也是依于剪和压曲的行动和在例外情况对扭力。They too can be subject to both shear and bucking action and in isolated cases to torsion.

扭力测试仪结构紧凑、量轻、用可充电电池,携带方便。Testers are easy to carry, they are compact, lightweight, and powered by a rechargeable battey.

全机采伺服马达驱动,定长、送线、裁线、剥皮、扭力大,长度精准。Adopted servo motor control. Set length, feed, cut, strip, powerful twisting and accurate result.

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扭力扳子内装气动马达,从预紧固到最终紧固,一次操作完成即可。After provisional tightening by an air motor at high speed, final torque set is performed manually.

试验结果表明,利用扭力弹簧可以很好地模拟剪切初始阶段的剪切摩擦。It is proved that the torsion spring can simulate the shear friction well in the first shear stage.

是以由引入段、切削段、锥杆段和扭力段组成的丝锥组成的。The torque force section is changed to a regular hexagonal prism from a regular quadrangular prism.