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我始末没能习气恁地早上床困觉。I never got used to going to bed so early.

有没有哪个上司、同事或朋友知道事情的始末?Did a boss, colleague or a friend see what happened?

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在团队的成果中,没有人知道完整故事的始末。In a team effort, none of us know the full story of events.

拼在一起就成了一个贯穿始末的项目。and put it together into a cohesive project that came together.

在西元前436年,罗马也始末过一次饥馑。Rome. itself. experienced a fin the morningine in the year 436 BC.

这就是建立信心中贯穿始末的第一步。And that’s the first step to the kind of body confidence that lasts.

还要整合概念,提出一个贯穿始末的论点,and then sort of synthesize concepts and create a cohesive argument,

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你不要在开始之前就想洞悉始末,要抵制住这种想法的诱惑。Resist your temptation to have everything figured out before you start.

所以澳雨电子烟都是始末网络直销的。Therefore! the electronic cigarette Austrnosian rain through network marketing.

下面就具体说说我的这段冒险岛撞金人经历始末。The following to make some comments on my adventures i. This whole experience into Jin.

一位71岁的老太从不知道自己其实是犹太人,还是她的一个婶婶查到了当年事情的始末,并告诉她了真相,她方才得知。A 71-year-old woman never knew she was Jewish until an aunt tracked her down and told her.

尼采对瓦格纳之爱的始末缘由,与其对上帝之爱相似。Nietzsche’s love for Wagner had a similar beginning, and a similar end to his love of God.

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目睹了事情发生始末的马某非常气愤。Ma Mou who witnesses to settle a dispute feeling occurrence beginning and end is very angry.

运用行为金融学的基本理论分析了“中航油”事件的始末。“This paper uses behavioral finance as the basic theory to reflect on "China Aviation Oil" incident.

相声是中国典型的笑剧,两个演员始末玩弄词藻来逗乐观众。Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where few of comedians entertains the audience with word play.

流程的所有通路都将调用审核记录程序来记录流程的始末。On all paths through the process, the audit logger is invoked to record the start and end of the process.

中国的新闻媒体以及广大博客上都转载翟田田事件的始末,就此该事件成为一次国际事件。Zhai's case became an international incident with stories widely printed in Chinese news media and blogs.

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始末调控,在计谋堆集效应下,我国室庐房地产市场价格上涨趋缓。Through regulation, the cumulative effect of the policy, China's residential real estate market prices down.

兼职打工挣膏火,固然其时很忙碌,但现在发现这段始末很珍贵。Part-time workers earn tuition fees, though it was very hard, but now found the experience very valuable. 12.

蔡邕的一生,大约与汉末顺、桓、灵三朝相始末,正值东汉王朝从衰败走向覆灭的时期。Cai Yong's life happened to be at the turning point of the East Han Dynasty from a downfall to complete collapse.