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外头冷吗?Is it cold outdoors?

他听到外头有脚步声。He heard a step outside.

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外头酷热难耐。我觉得都快要被烤化了。I feel like I'm going to melt.

我在外头,母亲在里头。Mum inside of it and me outside.

这事儿外头全知道了。Even those on the outside know about it.

你知道现在外头有多少流氓吗?You know how many perverts are out there?

他在外头耍脾气,真令我难为情。It's really embarrassing when he acts up in public.

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在一月某个刮大风的日子里,我必须到外头去干活。One blustery January day I had to do some outside work.

过了觉觉的时间还呆在外头玩的尼古拉斯·凯奇变得很暴燥。Nicolas Cage gets cranky when he stays out past his bedtime.

我知道怎样会让我整天都快活起来。我们何不去外头餐厅吃早午餐呢?Well, I know what would make my day. Let's go out to have brunch?

你所言极是,好好活下去,我将在外头第一个看望你。You're right. Let's just get on. I'll see you outside before you see me.

小时侯,责任是一张暖暖的小床,我在里头,父母在外头。A kid, responsibility is a warm little bed, I was inside, parents outside.

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尽管她乞求,能在外头呆几个小时或者一个晚上,但她却可能还没准备好。Even she begs to spend a few hours or the night away, she may not be ready.

看哪、他们的豪杰在外头哀号.求和的使臣、痛痛哭泣。Behold, their brave men cry in the streets, The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly.

三爷自己在外头流水似的花钱。欠了公帐上不少。He himself was spending money like water and borrowed a lot from the family accounts.

在寺庙外头,小贩吆喝着人们买纸钱、供品,或是一柱柱的香。Outside, vendors encourage people to buy ghost money, food offerings, or incense sticks.

伊娃-朗格利亚在家等你,你却在外头和队友的老婆搞婚外恋。Eva Longoria is waiting for you at home and you're having an affair with a teammate's wife.

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中国现代的户口制度始于50年代,其作用是把农民控制在城市的外头。The modern system in the 1950′s was used as a way to keep rural peasants out of the cities.

外头是一个用篱笆围起来的区域,可以牢牢捆住马绳,还有一块可以储存乾草的空地,以及畜栏。Outside was a fenced-in area to hold a string of horses, a place to store hay, and a corral.

在漫漫寒冬,索布孩童一定会拿食物到外头喂鸟。Sorb children make sure that they put food out for the birds over the long cold winter months.