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文工团常年在边防部队流动。The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards.

他们观看了延安的一个文工团表演民间舞蹈。They watched a Yan'an cultural troupe perform folk dances.

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我和李淑君是战旗文工团的战友,我是她的歌迷,更是她的崇拜者。I and Li Shujun is senki Backstage comrades, I'm her fans, is an admirer of her.

贺冰新,原铁道文工团歌唱演员,1990年留学英国,主修流行音乐。He, a former singer in China Railway Art Troupe, has studied in the United Kingdom majoring in pop music.

他还娶了一位名人为妻,彭丽媛,解放军文工团的一名民歌手。He also found the time to marry a famous wife, Peng Liyuan, a popular singer of folk songs, who heads the People's Liberation Army song and dance troupe.

在郭科会的人生工作岗位上,他总是谦虚近人、积极上进、任劳任怨,很快就成为了部队文工团的骨干。Guo Science Council of the life in the workplace, he is always humble neighbor, ambitious, hard working, quickly became the backbone of the army art troupe.

我是从中国人民解放军成都军区战旗文工团退休的歌唱演员,在部队的文艺舞台上,摸爬滚打了几十年。I am the Battle Flag from the PLA Chengdu Military Region, retired art troupe of singing actors in the armed forces of the literary arena, fought for decades.

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但如今却难得听到了,有幸的是此歌的原唱者,成都军区战旗文工团歌唱家李淑君同志是我的邻居。But now, but rarely heard, had the honor of singing the original singers are those of the Chengdu Military senki Comrade Li Shujun Song and Dance Ensemble singer is my neighbor.

后来,曾在昌都地区文工团的联欢会上,或演出的途中,或其他场合演唱,逗大家开心。Afterwards, once the social gathering in Changdu Arts regiment is last, or the on the way of the performance, or the other a matches to sing this song on stage, stir everybody happy.

同时指明在译作评价时,不能拘泥于译文工团与原文的简单对比,而要进行多维分析,要看到原作和译作在反映过程中的相互影响。Meanwhile, the author pointed out that the target text should be analyzed from various angles and more attention should be attached to the mutual influence between the source text and the target text.