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金光闪闪的长金链!A big, shiny gold chain!

金光闪闪,同样是赏心悦目。Golden Rays is also very attractive.

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底座上面写着鷧“金色年华”四个金光闪闪的大字。Base on the "golden years" four golden characters.

我感受到金光闪闪的点子从深蓝色的夜幕倾泻而下。I felt golden ideas pouring from the dark blue sky.

留出一条金光闪闪的小路,看我走得多么悠闲。And leaves a shiny golden path, for me to walk along.

在阳光的照射下,沙子就像金光闪闪的黄金一样。Exposure in the sun, the sand like glittering like gold.

箱子里满是耀眼的金光闪闪的金币和金块。The box was full of dazzlingly shining gold coins and gold nuggets.

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那些钱从黑皮袋口一倒出来,多么金光闪闪啊!How the guineas shone as they came pouring out of the dark leather mouths!

在阳光下显得金光闪闪,人们从几十公里以外就能看到它。They spangle under the sun and people can see it dozens of kilometers away.

而使用金色野牛皮肤,你的上古野牛也将脱胎换骨,金光闪闪。The use of golden buffalo skin, your ancient bison will be reborn, glittering.

大家看上方这个宝葫芦,它金光闪闪,硕大无比。Please look at this glittering and matchlessly-large Precious Bottle Gourd above.

阿曼图片画廊。金光闪闪的新月形在阿曼海湾,马特拉招手马斯喀特以西的资本。Glittering crescent on the Gulf of Oman, Matrah beckons west of Muscat, the capital.

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阿拉丁下到了洞里一看,里面全是金光闪闪的金银财宝!Under as soon as Aladdin looked to the hole in that inside is the glittering wealth!

十月下午那种金光闪闪的美,谁能把握得住呢?The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, who ever could clutch it?

各大赌场都装修得炫目浮华、金光闪闪,提供遍及全球的各种赌博游戏。The casinos provide all the glitz, glamour, and games of similar destinations worldwide.

寺院主建筑。强光照耀下的屋顶金光闪闪。Main building of the monastery. The golden roof looks even shinier under the strong sunlight.

这时德拉的美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布一样,波浪起伏,金光闪闪。So now Della’s beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.

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她摇身一变,本是褐色的头发变得金光闪闪,名字改成了玛丽莲·梦露。She changed her hair color from brown to shining gold. And she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

我看到了气势恢宏的三峡大坝,看到了奥运健儿手中那金光闪闪的奖牌。I saw the magnificent Three Gorges Dam to see the hands of Olympic athletes that glittering medals.

夜星笑了笑,从背包掏出了金光闪闪的黄金冠!The night star smiled to smile and took out a golden light flickering gold hat from the shoulder bag!