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分开或隐蔽反对我部扩大权限的风源当然是博尔曼。Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my Ministry.

分开或隐蔽反对我部扩大权限的风源当然是博尔曼。Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my ministry.

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就业和升学的压力在一定程度上成了年轻人迷信星座占卜的风源。In a certain sense, the pressures of work and study have caused the prevalence of astrology among young people.

沥青瓦抗风性试验仪由风源、试验平台和控制系统三大部分组成,它是一种民用开式低速风洞。The tester, a kind of civil low speed wind tunnel in nature, consists of wind generator, test platform and control system.

除空压机自身因素外,列车风源系统的设计思路值得商榷。Except the factor of VV120 air compressor itself, there are defects in the design concept about the wind system of the train.

腾龙?高压热风机是现代工业热源升级换代的首选产品,是热风输送炉、干燥炉、烘箱、封装机等自动化机械的最佳热风源配置。Topalone ? hot air generator is one of the best choices of hot air sources of conveyor oven , drying oven , packaging machine etc.

电力机车的辅助变流系统主要为机车主电路提供冷却,为空气制动系统提供风源。The auxiliary inverter system of electric locomotive is used to cool down the main circuit and offer wind regime for the air brake system.

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VV120型空压机润滑油乳化,现已成为北京城市轨道交通八通线SFM型列车风源系统的顽症。The emulsified grease of VV120 air compressor is becoming a great problem in SFM trains running from Sihui station to Tuqiao station in Beijing.

随着生产的发展,人们渐渐创造出各种干燥设备,天然热源和风源逐渐为人工可控制的热源所代替。With the growth of production, various air dryers were created, natural heat source and wind were gradually replaced by source that can control by human being.

介绍了自主知识产权地铁列车风源系统空气压缩机和干燥器的组成及作用原理。Described are the composition and operation principles of air compressors and air driers in the air source system on metro trains with autonomous intellectual properties.

三曰气度,朴学学风源自学人气度,该气度以学者有否“学术史”意识乃至“学派”建设意向为标识。Third, it is the bearing of the scholars which comes from the consciousness of "academic history" and the intention of the construction of "schools" on the part of the scholars.