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须知,现在最先进的刹车系统最多只能产生大约1个负重力加速度的减速能力。Modern cars brake with a maximum of roughly 1 G of deceleration.

这是重力加速度,如果在这掉一个物体。That's the gravitational acceleration if we drop an object here.

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而在实际上等于该点物体所受的重力加速度。It is actually equal to the gravitational acceleration at that point.

这个必须大于,或等于,重力加速度。And this must be larger or equal to the g gravitational acceleration g.

返回在设备参考帧的重力加速度。Returns the gravity acceleration vector expressed in the device's reference frame.

远上十倍,重力加速度,就会减少100倍。Ten times further away, the gravitational acceleration is down by a factor of 100.

在联盟号发射的时候,宇航员所承受的是4倍的重力加速度。During launch of the Soyuz craft, cosmonauts experience four times the force of gravity.

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重力加速度不受,这些量的影响,这个结论明显吗?Is it obvious that the gravitational acceleration is independent of all these quantities?

得到了原子重力仪的相位差与重力加速度的关系。We obtained also the relation between gravity and the phase difference of the atom gravimeter.

而需要克服的加速度是重力加速度的1千4百万倍。The acceleration needed to accomplish this implies ag-force of 14 million times Earth's gravity.

与y的关系完全一样,然后就可以简化,接近地球的例子,当重力加速度没变。is exactly the same as the dependence on r and then you can simplify matters when you are near Earth.

本文采用此法测定了当地的重力加速度,得到了较满意的效果。This paper uses this method to measure the local acceleration of gravity and obtains a satisfied result.

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颈椎遭受8个重力加速度下模拟的挥鞭伤,并计算前纵韧带应力峰值。The cervical spine was subjected to simulated whiplash at 8 g acceleration and peak ALL strains were computed.

在快速变向或变速过程中,车手受到的外力是多项作用力叠加的结果,一般以一个重力加速度为单位。A physical force equivalent to one unit of gravity that is multiplied during rapid changes of direction or velocity.

本文介绍了用阿特伍德机测量重力加速度的原理和测量方法。In this paper, the principle and the method of measuring acceleration due to gravity with Atwood machine are introduced.

在单摆的周期公式中,摆长和重力加速度,在特定条件下具有不同的意义。The length of the simple pendulum and acceleration of gravity have different meaning which depends on special conditions.

这个缓冲物将使汽车以每秒20米的速度减速,这相当于两个负重力加速度。This anchor will slow the car at a rate of more than 20 meters per second, the equivalent of more than 2 Gs of stopping force.

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本文主要介绍用弹簧振子测定重力加速度的测量原理、方法及测量结果。This paper discusses the principle, the method and the result in measuring acceleration of gravity by means of spring vibrator.

当我们考虑到重力时,物体受重力,加速度影响,重力加速度,是一个常数。When we have gravity an object is influenced by the gravitational acceleration and the gravitational acceleration is a constant.

如果在月球上称,重力加速度就,只有地球的1/6,我的重量,也只有1/6,没什么问题。If I weigh myself on the moon where the gravitational acceleration is six times less then I would weigh six times less-- so far, so good.