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何来省钱的解决之道?The money-saving solution?

不如试试这些省钱的小招数。Try these money-saving tips.

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休斯顿人喜欢省钱。Houstonians like to save money.

办工厂化畜牧场真的省钱吗?。Is factory farming really cheaper?

我们不能从这些上面省钱。We can't shortchange those things.

别错过这个省钱的机会。Don't miss this opportunity to save.

你会觉得更神清气爽,而且很省钱。You will feel better and save money.

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她在各方面尽可能地省钱。She saves money in every way she can.

而且,从长远看,苹果电脑能够帮你省钱。And Macs can save you money over time.

那你还可以通过种菜省钱吗?Can you still save money with a garden?

按单价货比三家就能省钱。Comparison-shop by unit price and save.

再加上,你还为自己的荷包省钱了。Plus, you save a whole bundle of money.

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自我治疗能够省时省钱。Self-medication can save time and money.

她设想出一个省钱的新计划。She dreamed up a new plan to save money.

为了省钱,我们乘坐二等舱旅行。To save money, we traveled second-class.

这个选择不错,因为它省钱It's a good option because it saves money

后天,我可以拼车省钱。The day after, I'll carpool to save money.

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你可以在牛仔裤上省钱但是车子可不行。You can economise on jeans but not on cars.

多数情况下这种医疗保健的绿化方式亦可以省钱。Much of this greenery could also save money.

很简单,使用布会更省钱。Plain and simple, it’s cheaper to use cloth.