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你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?Do you accept foreign exchange certificate ?

兑换券限本人使用,不得转让或兑换现金。The coupon is not transferable or redeemable for cash.

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我可以将兑换券与其他优惠同时使用或用于特价商品吗?Can I combine my QPON deal with other offers or specials?

给你的达令一个兑换券来兑换一条信息或是床上早餐。Let your darling cash in on a massage or breakfast in bed.

好的,给我几张一元票面的兑换券,好吗?我需要一些零钱。OK, will you please give me some one yuan notes ? I need some small change.

现在购买2006年网球大师杯赛情侣套票门票一套即可获得现场餐饮兑换券!Purchasing 2006 TMC Love Package now, you can get a on-site catering voucher!

兑换券可直接储值于悠游卡中使用。The value of the vouchers can be deposited directly into the EasyCard for use.

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做你们自己的优惠券。给你的达令一个兑换券来兑换一条信息或是床上早餐。Make your own coupons. Let your darling cash in on a massage or breakfast in bed.

现在只需注册为会员即可得到金币兑换券,最高可换1W金!Now Register a member, you will get the highest can change gold certificates 1W gold!

持兑换券到当地沃尔沃斯的分店可以兑换一个玩具。Take the voucher to your local branch of Woolworths and it will be redeemed for one toy.

不得向合营企业收取外币或外汇兑换券。Joint ventures shall not pay foreign currency or foreign exchange certificate to the aforesaid establishments.

电邮中会附有你的QPON兑换券,你只要把它打印出来便可使用。Once the deal is successfully activated, you'll receive an email with your QPON coupon for you to print it out and redeem it.

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在IgoUgo网站评论的作者可以获得Go积分奖励,以回馈他们所做出的评论贡献,积分可以兑换航空公司里程和礼物兑换券。Review writers can earn IgoUgo Go Points, redeemable for frequent flyer miles and gift certificates, for their review contributions.

免费!考试当天还可得到五月正式考试兑换券!每个人只可报考一个等级。It's FREE! Plus a coupon for free registration of official TOP test on May 2nd, 2009. However, each person can only register one level.

免费!考试当天还可得到十一月正式考试的免费兑换券!每个人只可报考一个等级。It's FREE! Plus a coupon for free registration of official TOP test on November 7th, 2009. However, each person can only register one level.

结果手持热垫者,较可能要求拿礼品兑换券,而手持冰袋者较倾向保留礼物给自己。Those who had held the hot pad were more likely to ask for the gift certificate, while those who held the frozen pack tended to keep the gift.

不能,先生。您只可以用外币兑换券。但是你可以在我们旅店那边的外币兑换台处兑换。No, sir. You can pay in Foreign Exchange Certificate only. But you can get your money changed at the Foreign Exchange Counter of our hotel over there.

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第九条经国家外汇管理局上海分局批准,保税区内企业可向境内金融机构申请开立外汇帐户以及专项用途的外汇兑换券帐户。Article 9. Enterprises in the bonded area may, upon approval by SAEC Shanghai Branch, apply to open forex accounts and special purpose FEC accounts in banking institutions in the country.

二十几年前,西方人可以去为他们专设的酒店、餐馆和百货商场消费,支付一种叫“外汇兑换券”的特殊货币。Two to three decades ago, Westerners could go to hotels, restaurants and department stores that catered to them exclusively and paid in a special currency called "foreign exchange certificates."