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但我知道路径延绵无尽头。Yet knowing how way leads to way.

但我知道路径延绵没有尽头。Yet knowing how way leads on to way.

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这里风景单调,大多都是延绵起伏的缓坡。The landscape is flat, or at most gently rolling.

寺庙周围,山环水复,更有远山近岭,延绵开去。Around the temple, there are a lot of mountains and water.

麦田向南不断延绵直至人眼的穷尽。The cornfields stretched southward as far as the eye could see.

褐赭色的山冈延绵数百英里不断。The low, brownish-ocher mountains continued for hundreds of miles.

极目远眺可见苏格兰中部常年冰雪覆盖的延绵群山。Far away are the mountains of central Scotland, often covered with snow.

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愿无人向他延绵施恩。愿无人可怜他的孤儿。May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.

长城位于中国的北方,延绵万里。The great wall comprises of sets of wall located along the north part of China.

筑起舞台的,是一座延绵在今与昔的浩瀚书海。The one builds the stage, is a sea of books dated back to the remote antiquity.

一次爱的感动,延绵一生,永不言弃,直至地老天荒。Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime. And never let go till we're gone.

中华人民共和国成立之后,延绵三十年不断的深证河边的大外逃。After the founding of the PRC, large exodus over the Shenzhen River lasted nearly 30 years.

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我发现我自己趟在一张延绵数公里的黄色的草铺成的床上。I found myself lying on a bed of yellow colored grass that covered the land for kilometers.

整个建筑群犹如雪山般延绵起伏,成为大地景观的一部分。The entire building acts as an undulating snow covered mountain, following a natural rhythm.

大堡礁延绵2000公里以上,是地球上最大的生命结构体。At over 2000 kilometers long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.

镜头一摇,也随着欢跳起来,接着升起来俯瞰全景——欢笑延绵半英里。The camera swings and curvets in accord, then rises to survey the scene—half a mile of merriment.

安杰拉·比尔德延绵十一年的一系列风流韵事差不多在这个时期开始。It was about this time that Angela Beard began a series of affairs that stretched over eleven years.

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澳大利亚大陆是一个独立的大岛,海岸线长36,735公里,由延绵不尽的幼沙堆积而成。With a coastline of 36,735 kilometres, the island continent of Australia is one long stretch of sand.

兰亭,已经成为中国的一种文化符号,成为延绵不衰的文化现象和广博开放的文化体系。The Orchid Pavilion Preface has become a cultural symbol of China and an enduring cultural phenomenon.

延绵的秋雨一悸又一悸,下个没完没了,今年秋季的雨水比往年多了许多。Long stretches of the palpitate after throbbing, next endless, the fall of rain more than they had ever.