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这就是你一直渴望参观的秦俑博物馆。Warriors you've been longing to visit.

在这里发现了三处秦俑坑呢。Altogether, three such pits have been found.

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他的论点并没有被其他的秦俑专家普遍采纳。His argument is still not widely accepted by other terracotta experts.

这就是你一直渴望参观的秦俑博物馆。This is the Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors you've been longing to visit.

汉俑形体虽小,但其造型艺术比秦俑有了很大的提高。Though much smaller in size, Han Dynasty figurines are artistically better.

秦俑被誉为世界第八大奇迹。The collection of warriors is often dubbed the "eighth wonder of the world."

从此秦俑被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。" Henceforth conscientiousness is known as "the eighth wonder of the world".

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公元前208年大将军项羽掠夺秦始皇陵墓,并将其烧光,损坏了所有秦俑,只剩一个完好的秦俑。c 208BC General Xiang Yu raids and burns the tomb, damaging all the clay figures except one.

范喜良决定去地下宫殿拯救千万秦俑。Fan Xiliang decides to go subterranean palace saves tomb figure of ten million the Qin Dynasty.

第一次对遗址的正式挖掘从1978年到1984年,持续了六年,共发现1078具秦俑。The first formal excavation of the site lasted for six years from 1978 to 1984 and produced 1,087 clay figures.

结果表明,对于秦俑的建模,考虑质量分布是必要的。The conclusion is that it is necessary to consider the distributed mass for modelling of such kind of structure.

但西安历史专家刘九生主张秦俑是佣人和侍卫方阵,而非武士。But Liu Jiusheng, a Chinese historian in Xi'an, claims it was an army of servants and bodyguards rather than warriors.

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2005年银桥乳业两大品牌“秦俑牌”奶粉“银桥牌”液奶双双获得中国名牌称号。In 2005, both "Qinyong" milk powder and "Yinqiao" liquid milk, two brands of Yinqiao Diary, were entitled as "Chinese Brand".

本文针对秦俑的抗震设计,提出了一种识别其结构参数的方法,该方法不仅满足秦俑的模态实验数据,而且符合质量分布不变的条件。An approach for structural parameter identification of the model of Qin Terra-cot-ta Warrior is presented in the paper for aseismic design of these Warriors.

汉代人物俑富于材质美。形象生动活泼,改变了秦俑那种模型化和动态比较僵硬的缺点。The Qin Dynasty tomb figures are rigid with no big variation in style. The Han Dynasty tomb figures, by contrast, are lively, vivid and display greater diversity.

如果我们现在不采取任何措施的话,那么百年之后,这些秦俑很有可能已经腐蚀掉了,这些俑坑看上去就会像一个煤矿坑,那么兵马俑的欣赏价值也将不复存在。If nothing is done now, in 100years the warriors may have corroded to such an extent that the pits will look just like a coal mine and not have any aesthetic value.

据估计,在这三个坑里大约有7,000个士兵,130辆战车、520匹马和150个弓箭手,其中大部分还埋在坑里。每个秦俑都配备有青铜兵器。It is estimated that there were over 7,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalries in the three pits, the majority of which are still buried in the pits.

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13日,考古人员在对秦俑进行史上第3次发掘时,首次发现了两辆相邻的4马战车。For the first time, two 4-horse chariots standing side by side were found Saturday by archeologists excavating the Emperor Qin's tomb, the 3rd excavation of its kind in history.

刘和他的同事还希望他们十年来为保持隐埋在地下秦俑的完整性与原有色彩而作的努力能够成功。Liu and his colleagues are also hoping to ascertain the success of decades of preservation efforts to keep the undiscovered terracotta figures intact and retain their original colors.

兵马俑博物馆秦俑考古队队长刘占成说,考古专家期望在庞大的地下秦俑方阵中能发现“将军俑”。Archaeologists hoped they might find a clay figure that appeared to be "in command" of the huge underground army, said Liu Zhancheng, head of the archeological team under the terracotta museum.