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许多剧中的插曲变成流行歌。Many of the songs became popular.

我问这段插曲给了他什么教训。I ask what the episode taught him.

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相比看冷山插曲。你昔时总是带着一个盘子。You were you should carrying a tray.

乔纳森弗莱克斯执导的插曲。Jonathan Frakes directed the episode.

这部电影的插曲很好听。The episode of this film sounds good.

这一插曲可以充作典型例子。This episode may serve as a paradigm.

这段插曲的财政代价尚不明朗。The fiscal cost of this episode is unclear.

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达德利演奏了仅有的音乐插曲。Dudley provided the only musical interludes.

这段插曲默默无言,却秘密而亲切。The episode was tacitly and secretly intimate.

在这件事上面还有一个有趣的插曲。There's an interesting sidelight to this story.

也许,我永远只是你生命中的插曲。Perhaps, I forever am only in your life interlude.

德梅萨克说,这个小插曲让她想到,“哇,应该有更多的类似情况吧”。The episode, she says, made her think, 'Wait. Wow.

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这个小插曲对欧洲人应是个警讯。The episode should serve as a warning to Europeans.

这幕小插曲之所以广为流传是出于以下几个原因。This incident is remarkable for a couple of reasons.

这是个临时的,却又令人激动的插曲,至少开始时是这样。It is an odd but stirring interlude, at least at first.

这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.

这些插曲属于非常表面化的那种,但是十分有趣。The incidents are of a more external kind, but very funny.

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社会媒体的支持者对这种盲从的小插曲并不反对。Social media backers take that ignominious episode in stride.

那部电影里有几首好插曲,是谁谱的曲?There were some good songs in that film, who wrote the score?

这一令人尴尬的插曲对两个国家都是个教训。There are lessons for both sides in this embarrassing episode.