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喷气机确实在射程以内。The jet was in range.

谁知道它的射程有多远?Who knows how far it shoots?

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求射程的方法是什么What's the strategy for range?

滑膛枪射程提高到110。Musket ranges increased to 110.

射程可达下一个山头。The shot carried to the next hill.

这个导弹射程2千公里。The missile has a range of 2,000km.

这种步枪的射程近200米。This rifle carries nearly 200 meters.

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那条船进入火炮的射程之内。The ship came within range of the guns.

进入机炮射程。AWACS Thunderhead Approaching gun range.

敌机进入机炮射程。AWACS Thunderhead Bandit's in gun range.

很好的弹道,很远的射程以及霰弹。Good animation, long range and shrapnel.

它的射程只有35公里,但是射高很好。Range is about 35km but altitude is good.

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旧式步枪的射程仅达600米。The old rifle ranged over 600 metres only.

新设计的大炮射程为9公里。The newly designed gun ranges 9 kilometres.

水炮的射程是55米。The range of the water cannon is 55 meters.

我猜这两艘船都在勒夫枪的射程之外。I guess both ships were out of nerf gun range.

粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。The fluctuation in range is called straggling.

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被动地增加狙击手的步枪的射程。Passively enhances the range of Kardel s rifle.

当敌人向他开枪时他跑出了射程。When the enemy shot at him he dodged out of range.

那么射程是多少,射程就是这个距离Let's ask, what's the range? Range is that distance.