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茶杯把儿!Cup handles!

那两个茶杯?Those two cups?

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哪个是你的茶杯?Which is you cup?

现在这是一个茶杯。And now it's a tea-cup.

别把茶杯揍了。Don't smash the teacup.

把这些茶杯拿走。Take away these teacups.

这是一副茶杯与茶托。This is a cup and saucer.

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我的茶杯和茶托在哪儿呢?。Where's my cup and saucer?

茶杯和托盘全都烫洗过了。All cups and saucers scalded.

你刚才碰过我的茶杯了吗?Did you touch my cup just now?

我不能一生终老在洗茶杯上。I cannot die washing up a tea cup.

我有一套漂亮的茶杯。I have a beautiful set of tea cups.

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琳达把茶杯送到曼迪的嘴边。Linda put a teacup to Mandy’s lips.

茶杯满到杯子边了。The tea cup was filled to the brim.

酒店茶杯设计谈如何做到位呢?Hotels cup design on how to do well?

茶杯和碟子都摆好了。The cups and saucers were laid ready.

你愿意去玩茶杯转椅吗?Would you like to go on the teacups ?

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他将茶杯与碟子相碰发出丁当的声音。He clacked the cup against the saucer.

谢诺菲留斯把他的空茶杯搁到一边。Xenophilius set aside his empty teacup.

你有没有见过如此可爱的茶杯和杯垫呢?Have you seen so cute cups and coasters?