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原文如次。The text is as follows.

所以片名原文才取作,“第三人。So here comes The Third Man.

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请参看原文。Refer to the original, please.

除此之外,翻译还丢失或改变了原文的其他东西吗?What else gets lost or warped?

“走自己的路让别人说吧”英文原文怎么说?Go your own way. Let others talk!

你非用原文来读不可。You must read them in the original.

它是由原文改述的。It is paraphrased from the original.

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复印件与原文核对无误。The reprint checks with the original.

这是他未经编辑的原文。This is his text in full and unedited.

你必须把它与原文核对一下。You must check it up with the original.

这个词的原文意思是「神的呼气」。The meaning of the world is "God-breathed".

原文因抄写员粗心而有讹误。The text was corrupted by careless copyists.

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原文因抄写者粗心而有讹误。The text was corrupted by careless copyists.

点击下方“阅读原文”摇出门票!!!Click the "Read more"to apply the ticket! ! !

他已把抄件与原文核对过了。He has checked the copy against the original.

这篇译作紧扣原文。The translation follows closely the original.

从希腊文或希伯来文原文来翻译每句话。Translate each work from the Greek or Hebrew.

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相信我,看了那篇原文,就不虚此生了。Believe me, it’s worth reading the entire thing.

原文出自新华网英文版。Original photos and articles from Xinhua English.

是对原文的同义置换故为正确答案。Which of the following is true of the Bilski case?