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那些男孩彼此很要好。The boys are very pally.

我和她是非常非常要好的朋友!I am buddy-buddy with her!

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他是我的很要好的朋友。He's Lady greattriend iof mine.

玛莉与乔治非常要好。Mary is very pally with George.

我们过去曾是很要好的朋友。We used to be very good friends.

我最要好的朋友可把我烦死了。I got dumped on by my best friend.

科珀,你是我非常要好的朋友。Copper, you're my very best friend.

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我最要好的朋友的名字叫陈思睿。My best friend's name is Chen Sirui.

ONIX在这方面就要好很多。ONIX is much better in this respect.

而且,母乳要好得多。Still, human breastmilk is much better.

我认为棉布比的确良要好。I think cotton has the edge over dacron.

她跟老板要好得都直呼其名了。She is on first name terms with the boss.

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它是借读生,跟我很要好!It is Jiedu health, with better than I am!

张东是我最要好的朋友,他是个男孩。Zhang Dong is my best friend. He is a boy.

一个公开的敌人比一个伪装的朋友要好。An open enemy is beter than a false friend.

两种款式都是,黑色的比白色的要好看些。Both editions come in black as well as white.

这一回是现钱,酒要好。This time I have cash. Give me the good wine.

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但是你应该有比看电视还要好的消遣。But you should have better recreation than TV.

这种打法比跟注他在翻牌圈的下注要好。This play is better than calling his flop bet.

拍卖的表现要好得多,消除了一些顾虑。It did fare far better, allaying some concerns.