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谷雨是二十四节气之一。Grain Rain is one of the 24 solar terms.

谷雨时洛阳牡丹开花。Peony of the Luoyang when Grain Rain blossoms.

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谷雨到来时常常会有什么问题?What problem do we have when Grain Rain comes?

因为这是谷雨时节的正在进行时。When because this is of Grain Rain season, undertaking.

谷雨源自古人“雨生百谷”之说。It originated from the ancient saying that "rain gives life to all grains".

谷雨标志着寒冷天气的结束以及气温的快速上升。The Grain Rain signals the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature.

沟谷雨林和次生林下阳春砂仁果实产量差异不显著。The yield difference between ravine rainforest and secondary forest was not significant.

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谷雨既是反映天气变化的7个节气之一,也是春季最后的一个节气。Grain Rain since reflects one of 7 solar term that weather changes, also be a solar term with last spring.

谷雨妈妈为了儿子、儿媳能和好,只好分开谷家,伤心肠回了老家。Guyu mother in order to son, daughter-in-law, and had to be reconciled to separate valley home, injury, back to the old home.

谷雨后降雨量增多,浮萍开始生长,接着布谷鸟便开始提醒人们播种了。Rainfall increased since this solar term, greatly benefit for growing of duckweed and cereal crops, cuckoos remind people to seed.

谷雨时的春茶富含丰富的维生素和氨基酸,可以帮助身体散热,同时具有明目的功效。Spring tea during Grain Rain is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which can help to remove heat from the body and is good for the eyes.

谷雨节气时天气温和,雨水明显增多,对谷类作物的生长发育关系很大。In the Grain Rain, the weather is mild and there is an obvious increase of rainfall, which has a great influence on growth of grain crops.

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禹的葬地就在绍兴的大禹陵,每年谷雨都要举行隆重的祭禹大典。The buried place of Yu was in Great Yu Cemetery in Shaoxing, and solemn Yu Worship Ceremony is held in solar terms of Corn Rain each year.

谷雨一到,农家就要投入饲养春蚕的大战,所以,清明至谷雨这段时间正好闲着,又值风和日丽,正好行乐。Guyu one that spring silkworm breeding farm to be invested in war, therefore, Qingming to Guyu just idle period, was also a bright and sunny, just merry.

“谷雨”来临时,表示着雨量充足而及时,有利于谷类作物能够茁壮生长,所以古代有“雨生百谷”之说。When Grain Rain comes, stating enough and rainfall is seasonable, be helpful for corn crop can healthy and strong grows, so ancient time has what rain gives birth to 100 cereal to say.

是说谷雨后降雨量增多,浮萍开始生长,接着布谷鸟便开始提醒人们播种了,然后是桑树上开始见到戴胜鸟。This means that after the Grain Rain, the rainfall will increase and duckweeds begin to grow. After that, cuckoos begin to remind people to sow seeds. Then, hoopoes can be seen on mulberries.