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他们如同新教徒一样是属于加尔文教派。Like the Pilgrims, they were also Calvinists.

请带我到福华文教会馆,谢谢您!Please take me to the Grand Hotel. Thank you.

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在文教大学做大学的名称。University's name changed to Bunkyo University.

加尔文教不为政府服务。Calvinism isn't a religion of subservience to any government.

外国文教专家在华工作期间可享受哪些节日休假?What are the provisions on foreign experts ' dimission allowance?

本文教您看懂100分制的葡萄酒评分。This article will show you a easy way to understand 100-point system.

成为国际的知名文教传媒机构!Become an international well-known cultural and educational disseminating company!

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到19世纪,美国加尔文教的反天主教情绪又死灰复燃。The anti-Catholicism of America’s Calvinist past found new voice in the 19th century.

参与勒索的人跟文教卫生行业有关。Participates in the human who extorts with the hygiene education profession concerning.

但是,加尔文教派信奉的是一个严厉的上帝,他任意选择哪些人可以进天堂。But Calvinism believes in a severe God who chooses people to heaven at his own random will.

想来加入文教已经一年了,在这短短的一年里,我经历了很多很多。It has been a year since i have joined in the CCPS, in this short year, I experienced a lot.

我公司专业生产各种圆珠笔、中性笔、文教产品、模具制造、各种塑料产品加工。We mainly produce ball pens, water pens, injection mould and many kinds of plastic parts etc.

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新一轮的课程改革,对古诗文教学提出了更高的要求。Under the new round of curriculum reform, the teaching of Ancient Poetry requires more skills.

立足于文教用品市场是公司的长远经营方针,将“日润”做成国际知名品牌司的最终目标。It is our target to the top company and make the " Reign" well known in the field of stationery.

两国文教、科技领域交流也卓有成效。He also described the exchanges in the cultural and education, science and technology as effective.

推动对外华语文教学及文化之传授与交流。Promoting the Chinese language teaching programs and cultural interaction between different countries.

公司介绍上海该亚实业有限公司是一家专业从事文教用品,包装用品和礼品销售的公司。Shanghai Gaea Enterprise Co. , Ltd. is a professional company in stationery, packaging and gifts area.

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海丝特·白兰胸前大红的“A”字宣泄着加尔文教对人们精神的毒害和摧残。The red letter "A" in Hester Prune's chest shows Calvinism's poisoning and wrecking to person's spirit.

双方同意进一步密切两国在卫生、文教、旅游等领域的交流与合作。VI. The two sides agreed to enhance exchange and cooperation in health, culture, education and tourism.

因此,现代传道的发展是开尔文教条衰退的一个结果。Consequently the modern mission movement has been partly aresult of the decline of Calvinistic dogmatism.