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我们必须让我们的队伍精诚团结,那么如何让我们的队伍精诚团结?We must make our team united, and how to make our team united?

打造了一支精诚团结、作风硬朗的专业工作团队,成为业主最为信赖的合作伙伴。Since now , we have built up a team of sincerity and profession, who is the most reliable.

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公司将于社会各界精诚团结,携手奋进,共同走向繁荣昌盛的明天。We are willing to collaborate in good faith with all social resources and work together for a prosperous future.

无可否认,最终的胜利与他们的精诚团结与合作密不可分。There is no denying that the ultimate victory is closely attached to their unity and cooperation in all sincerity.

全体成员精诚团结,锐意进取,广泛交流,共同进步,已取得了可喜的成绩。All members of solidarity, forge ahead, wide-ranging exchanges and common progress, has made gratifying achievements.

并愿与电力、石油、化工等行业的同仁精诚团结与合作,共同发展与提高。And is willing to electricity, petroleum and chemical industry peer solidarity and cooperation, common development and improve.

现在,我们精诚团结、积极进取,以期在糖果市场占有更大的份额,成为饮料业的领军。We now move beyond integration into activities that will see us win more share in confectionery and become the best in beverages.

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我们愿与各界朋友同心协力,精诚团结,为创造美好的明天而努力!We are willing to work together with friends from all walks of life, refinedPrudential unity so as to create a beautiful tomorrow!

全体成员精诚团结,锐意进取,广泛交流,共同进步,已取得了可喜的成绩。All member heartfelt solidarity, goes all out, the wide-ranging exchange, progresses together, has obtained the encouraging result.

律师队伍精诚团结、管理规范、服务范围全面、服务质量优良。Also , our law firm features excellent internal coordination , standard management , complete service scope and excellent service quality.

精诚团结,注重沟通,崇尚关怀、责任和荣誉,我们愿意与您共同建立一个融洽和睦的伟大家族。Solidarity, focus on communication, advocating caring, responsibility and honor, we are willing to work with you to build a harmonious family, a great harmony.

维迪奇的回归对于曼联争取第19个冠军也是个帮助,要超过切尔西的话还需要大家精诚团结。Vidic's return bolsters the Reds' push for a record-breaking 19th league title, a quest which will need external help from other teams as United seek to reel in Chelsea.

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公司本着“精诚团结、克尽职守、自强自立、开拓发展”的企业精神。The company is in the light of the business enterprise spirit of"earnest and sincere solidify, gram the exhausted job guard, self-renewal independence and expand a development".

精诚团结,开拓进取,人本管理,为成功迈向国际化大市场而不懈努力。In the principle of sincere cooperation, pioneering spirit, and people-oriented management, the Company makes unremitting efforts for a successful entry into the internalized market.

视品牌如生命,关注客户需求,满足时代发展,同时努力提高服务与售后,创造出精诚团结,奋进拼博团队氛围。AS brands such as life, customer focus, to meet the times, with efforts to improve the service and after-sales into creating a fine city united, progressive fight arrest team atmosphere.

世界各族人民皆有责任消解分歧,精诚团结,全然和平地生活在祂关怀与仁爱之树的荫庇下。It is incumbent upon all the peoples of the world to reconcile their differences, and, with perfect unity and peace, abide beneath the shadow of the Tree of His care and loving-kindness.

研究室成员精诚团结、积极向上,崇尚“好,更好,直到最好”的学术理念,努力为宽带通信的研究贡献力量。Advocating the academic idea that "good, better, until best", our lab members are positive and cooperate with absolute sincerity, devoting the effort to the research on broadband communication.