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你们交验的证件与填报的名单不符,为什么?Your documents are out of accord with the name list, why?

本人谨此声明在本报名表填报的资料均属正确。I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete.

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据本人所知,上述填报的资料均正确无讹。Details given in this form are correct according to my knowledge.

本人声明,上述所填报的资料均属真确无讹。I declare that the information provided above is true and correct.

依据税收民事法律规范应当填报纳税申报表而未填报者。The person fails to file a tax return required by the civil tax code.

若需填报更多提名人资料,请复印此表格。Please duplicate this form for more proposers' information if necessary.

本人声明上述所填报的详情全属正确。I declare that the above information provided by me is correct and complete.

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兹声明以上所填报的内容准确无讹。I hereby declare that the contents entered on this form are true and correct.

第二种方法是等到学生知道他/她的真实成绩后才填报志愿。The second method is to wait until the student receives his or her actual score.

凡由扣缴义务人扣缴个人工资薪金所得税款的,不填报此表。The tax payers whose tax is withheld by withholding agent do not use this return.

本人保证在本申请表格填报的资料均属真确无讹。I certify that all the information given in this application is true and accurate.

申请表要求提供的个人资料均须填报。Your provision of all the personal data requested in the applications is obligatory.

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本人谨此声明据本人所知,上述填报的资料均正确无讹。I certify that the information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge.

在本计划建议书填报的资料均属真确无讹。I certify that all the information given in this project proposal is true and accurate.

计划成员只应在没有香港身分证的情况下才填报护照号码。Passport numbers of the employees may be given ONLY when they do NOT possess HKID cards.

有关数字指填报休息等项目的物理治疗师人数。Figures refer to the number of responding physiotherapists who reported taking rest, etc.

计划成员只应在没有香港身分证的情况下才填报护照号码。Scheme members should give their passport numbers ONLY when they do NOT possess HKID cards.

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我谨证明就本人所知本表格所填报的资料均属正确无讹。I certify that the details given above are correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

请填报所有将会申请产地來源证的货品。Please provide information for all products for which certificates of origin are to be lodged.

有关数字指填报进修等项目的物理治疗师人数。Figures refer to the number of responding physiotherapists who reported undertaking study, etc.