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画画成了他每天的必修课。He needs to draw every day.

这是必修课之一。It's one of required class.

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这是大一新生的必修课吗?Is it required for freshman?

来补齐7门必修课。to fulfill all the seven requirements.

所以,除此之外,还有专业必修课,So beyond that, there are major requirements,

语音学是我们系的一门必修课。Phonetics is a required subject in our department.

内丹养生术在玄门弟子中是必修课。This is a required course for the Taoist disciples.

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在斯坦福大学,新生有必修课吗?Is there any required class for freshmen at Stanford?

第一是将基础数学和英语作为必修课。The first is to make basic maths and English compulsory.

这些是修进阶课程前的必修课对吧?Correct。Those are the prerequisites for the advanced classes, right?

老师要求学生在必修课上多下工夫。The teacher asked his students to labour at obligatory courses.

我觉得对所有专业的人都是必修课。which is like a requirement for all the majors I'm considering.

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培正小学把书法列为学校的必修课。The school has made calligraphy a required course for all pupils.

是哥伦比亚大学所有大二学生的必修课。which is required of all second year Columbia University students.

也有一部分同学认为,没必要将此类课程变成必修课。Some students think there is no reason to make the course compulsory.

这就意味着,我有7门必修课,And that means that I'll have to take a Seven-Course Breadth Requirement,

鲍勃和杰妮第一学期主要学习必修课。Bob and Jenny will study mostly required courses during their first year.

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每天早上他的第一项必修课就是沿着河岸做练习。Every morning the first thing Cheng does is exercise along the riverbank.

新生的必修课,比如人文科学,And you know, freshmen requirement classes like IHUM, the humanities class

药物毒理学是近年来新开的药学专业学生的一门必修课。Drug toxicology is a required new course for students majoring in pharmacy.