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NAI公司的理念是?The idea behind NAI is?

法律是无由的理念。Law is law, just or not.

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如今,环保理念才是王道。Now, greenery is in vogue.

法律是无由的理念。Law is mind without reason.

看看纳粹主义的理念。Look at the ideals of Nazism.

上海世博尽展绿色服务理念。Green concepts put to service.

但这一理念固然尤其缺点。But these ideas have shortcomings.

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即享受安静这一理念。The notion of embracing stillness.

我这本新书的理念就是由此而来的。Thus the idea of my book was born.

但是那种理念有点过时了。But that philosophy feels outmoded.

同时也是我们始终不渝的经营理念。At the same time, it's our lodestar.

世博价值在于世博理念II. The Expo values lie in its notion

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朋克理念是一种旅程,而非终点。Punk is a journey, not a destination.

我们的救助理念是什么?So, what's our ideal of the succoring?

NFY回帖里的理念组合。NFY replies in the concept of portfolio.

他向谭•科普塞阐释了自己的理念。He explains his philosophy to Tan Copsey.

理念与飞利浦的鼓棒风格。Idea & Style from Philips's LivingColors.

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解释伟志集团的核心价值理念。Explain the core values of the Weizhi Group.

事实上,扁平化是我们的一个核心理念。In fact, flatness is one of our core values.

回到电影和电视的理念上来。Return to the idea of movies and television.