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有头有脸的公职人员?Head has the face of public officials?

今天来参加宴会的都是些有头有脸的人物。The attendees of today's party are all the elite.

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有头有脸的人物都参加了舞会。Everybody who was anybody at all was at the dance.

镇上有头有脸的人都会来巴结我!The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!

坐在主席台上的那些人都是学校有头有脸的人物。Those who sit on the rostrum are somebodies of the school.

和在印度所有的城镇一样,游荡街头的狗在我的家乡也是有头有脸的居民。As in any Indian town, street dogs are prominent residents of my hometown, too.

“罗杰很可爱,”莫拉强调,“他的小说是写得不怎么样,但他在这儿可是有头有脸的人物。"Roger's lovely, " Moira insisted. "And it's true about his books, but he's very powerful here in Sydney.

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在会议上请注意用语,因为到会者都是有头有脸的股东。Please pay attention to your words in the meeting, because many attendants are important and powerful shareholders.

为了平息事态,镇子上有头有脸的人物组织了一支自愿巡逻队,还任命了一个由27人组成的警戒委员会。Town fathers attempted to calm matters by organizing a voluntary watch and appointing a 27-man Committee of Vigilance.

这只能解释为能够公然作假的都是社会上有头有脸的权势人物。The only explanation for this blatant fraudulence being carried out is those people in society with respect, power and influence.

“集体投票”在贫穷保守的农村地区很常见,通常都是那些地方上的有头有脸的人说了算。Bloc voting is very common in impoverished, traditional, rural societies, where the local big shot’s advice is not seriously questioned.

布鲁克林被誉为“树之城”和“教堂之城”,虽然这个小小的街区也出了不少像惠特曼、伍迪艾伦、芭芭拉史翠珊和拳王泰森那样有头有脸的人物,却唯独缺了一样。Brooklyn, the borough of churches and trees, Walt Whitman and Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand and Mike Tyson, has never lacked for people of distinction — except perhaps in one category.

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为了认识正确的人,艺术家和设计师不可避免地涌向纽约,因为这里是上一代艺术家和设计师的聚居地,现在他们都已经是有头有脸的人物。And in order to know the right people artists and designers inevitably gravitate to New York, because it’s where previous generations of artists and designers, now powerful, gravitated to.