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那些名山是各有各的特点。And each has its own features.

引导学生说出中国的五岳名山。The Huangshan Mountain is very famous in China.

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五台山为我国四大佛教名山之一。Mount Wutai in China as one of the four famous Buddhist.

名称之多,实为全国名山之冠。Many name, the hat of the in really national famous mountain.

普陀山是我国四大佛教名山之一。Mount Putuo is one of China's four famous Buddhist mountains.

鸡足山是中国第五大佛教名山。Jizu mountain are the fifth-famous Chinese Buddhist mountains.

素有“袁中绝胜”、“海上名山”之誉。Known as "Chinese Yuan must win" and "Sea Mountain" reputation.

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梵净山是中国十大避暑名山之一。Fanjin Mountain is one of the ten famous summer mountains in Chain.

峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。Emeishan is one of the four most sacred Buddhist Mountains in China.

南京牛首山是中国佛教名山之一。Niushou Mountain in Nanjing is a sacred mountain in China's Buddhism.

莲花佛国九华山是中国佛教四大名山之一。Mt. Jiuhua is one of the four famous Buddhist establishments in China.

峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。Mount Emei is among the four mountains held sacred by Buddhists in China.

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黄山是一座驰名中外的旅游名山,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产。Huangshan Mountain was well known as the tourism hot area all over the world.

湖北武当山是著名的“道教第一名山”。Wudang Mountain in Hubei province is the well-known "First Mountain of Taoism".

在全国的名山中,唯有崂山是在海边拔地崛起的。The famous mountains in the country, only Laoshan in the seaside Stubbs to rise.

龟纹石,是以它的裂纹纵横、形似莲花,酷肖名山而著名的。It is the moire stone, crack aspect, the shape of Lotus Mountain, near the famous.

图为名山农场俄罗斯地板块烘干车间。The picture shows the Russian floor-drying workshop in Heilongjiang Mingshan Farm.

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丰都名山风景名胜区资源整合的对策分析。The sixth chapter is the analysis of the integration of Fengdu scenic spot resources.

该项目位于安徽省天柱山,是中国5个道教名山之一。The project is located in Anhui province, in one of the 5 sacred Taoist mountain of China.

普陀山是我国四大佛教名山之一,同时也是著名的海岛风景旅游胜地。Putuoshan is one of China's four famous Buddhist, but also the famous scenic resort island.