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杰克意欲娶她为妻。Jack desires her for his wife.

沃尔玛意欲在中国投资电子商务。Wal-Mart eyes e-commerce business in China.

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那一种服装挂咭,可使你有保存的意欲?Which kind of Hangtag you will keep longer?

甚麽类型的免费赠品会提升你的购买意欲?What kind of free-gift will raise your purchasing desire?

阁下的消费意欲有否因现在的金融海潚而影响?。Does financial tsunami affect your consumption desire now?

拿着管状的礼品包装纸,意欲与他人比试。Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

那光将为你创造你意欲成为的。That light will create for you that which you desire to be.

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踢沙子和咬尾巴还管点用,但摇尾巴又是意欲为何呢?Kicking sand and biting might do some good, but tail waving?

美国在东欧部署反导系统意欲何为?。Behind U. S. Deployment of Ant-missile System in East Europe.

目前,奥巴马尚未表明其意欲何为。Obama has given no indication yet as to what he intends to do.

杀红了眼的暴徒们意欲占领这座城市。The mobs became driven by a crazed blood-lust to take the city.

本发明意欲提供针对中期因子的高质量适体。It is intended to provide a high-quality aptamer against midkine.

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人们的需要和意欲可说是目的的最切近例子。Animal wants and appetites are some of the readiest instances of the End.

入境签证是否会影响去当地旅游的意欲?。Apply a visa before travelling that it will effect your incentive of travel?

他还用手折弯了一个矮树,改善了意欲挥杆的区域。He also bends a shrub with his hand, improving the area of his intended swing.

对于意欲征服意大利的半个欧洲而言,这里就像个活棋盘。Italy was a living chessboard for the ambitions of half of Europe in those days.

文章论述“挪威政府意欲控制石油工业”。采用对比写法。The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control.

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虽然最近禽流感爆发,但市民购买活鸡的意欲未有减退。The recent bird flu outbreak had not deterred consumers from buying live chickens.

若是一个女人意欲取悦一个男人,她最好跟他谈点儿年少梦想什么的,男人通常都吃这一套。If a woman wants to enchant a man, she is wise to play his pupil. Men fall for this.

透着干练、优雅的盘发就很适合你,它也能为意欲攀登权力顶峰的你增添不少的法码。It also helps to add a few more inches of formidable height for the raw power of it all.