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士兵受军纪约束。Soldiers are governed by military discipline.

肯定严明军纪是首要问题啊。Must strict military discipline is the primary problem.

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不惩治他会败坏军纪。It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.

当你们听到我不遵守军纪时,请听听我的观点”。When you hear about my transgressions, here is my side of thestory.

严峻的军官要求谨遵军纪。Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations.

这些骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,是精锐的弓骑兵。Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai are elite horse archers.

高地民团军纪极差,徒逞蛮勇,以最简陋武器奋勇作战。Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon.

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罗马的军纪和战术都是令人畏惧的,但也不只是罗马。Rome do have very formidable discipline and tactics. But they do not have monopoly of it.

第三部分,记述了两党军队在战术、战绩及军纪状况等方面的状况。In the third part, the paper describes two pasties military tactics, disciplines and achievement.

瓦达瑞泰弓骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,使用强力复合短弓。Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback.

有句可鄙的口语“靠敌人吃饭”说明了这种麻疯病的由来,只有严厉的军纪才能医治。The detestable maxim, Live on the enemy! produced this leprosy, which a strict discipline alone could heal.

士卒已经亲近依附,但不执行军纪军法,这样的军队也不可使用。When the loyalty of the men is secured, but punishments are not enforced, such troops cannot be used either.

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杉木擅自处死龙泽,违反军纪,连神谷也难保她性命。Fir executed longtzer, without authorization in violation of the discipline, even god valley, but also her life.

步行独立枪骑兵是经验丰富军纪严明的职业部队,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持锋利长剑。Broken lances are well trained and experienced professional soldiers, protected by plate mail, armed with swords.

将领卫队军纪森严忠心耿耿,是时刻保护将领安危的精锐骑兵。Loyal and disciplined, this elite heavy cavalry unit accompanies the general wherever he goes on the battlefield.

他从不谈论他在军队里的生活,严格遵守军纪军规,说话非常谨慎。He would not talk about his military life. He went by the book of military discipline and was very careful what he said.

步行拜占庭枪骑兵盔甲精良,训练有素,军纪森严,遍布拜占庭全国。Well trained and disciplined troops and used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped.

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他被授予军衔后即发现军纪十分松弛,甚至可以沉迷于文学。After he had received his commission, he found military discipline so relaxed that he was able to indulge his literary tastes.

在党内、军内和政府系统,要坚决反对一切不遵守党纪、军纪、政纪的现象。It is also essential to take firm action against all violations of discipline in the Party, army and government organizations.

为严肃军纪,部队领导决定让小兵偿命,并在群众大会上宣布了这一决定。For earnest military discipline, unit leader decides to let batman pay with life, announced this one decision on masses congress.