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我怎么才能避免上当受骗?How can I avoid getting stung?

如果你上当受骗,那真是个大问题。It's a big problem if you get scammed.

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他们有一种上当受骗的感觉。They knew they were being shortchanged.

他上当受骗把信用卡交给了他们。He was duped into giving them his credit card.

她明知那里是错误的,但是还是上当受骗了。She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway.

此外,他们也不愿承认自己那么容易上当受骗。They're also sheepish about their own gullibility.

这个春天剩下的日子里,我一定不会再上当受骗。For the rest of this spring, I will not be suckered.

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晴天没有一个磁棒组的鸽子上当受骗。On sunny days none of the magnet-pigeons were fooled.

他并非第一个那样上当受骗的人。He's not the Number1 man which's being get in which way.

每个人都感到挫折、疲倦、愤怒和上当受骗。Everybody feels frustrated, tired, angry, and short-changed.

一些链接会引导容易上当受骗的人去卖仿造品的网站。Links used to direct the gullible to a site selling counterfeits.

我真想告诉别人他的臭豆腐是假的,不要再上当受骗了!I really want to tell others his stinky tofu is false, don't be deceived.

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许多人上当受骗,与大理爱,因为温和四季气候。Many people fall in love with Dali because of the mild four-season climate.

农民摸摸那头牛,走了又回来总怕上当受骗。The peasant felt the cow, went away, returned, always afraid of being cheated.

当低信任者在极力避免上当受骗时,他们也错过了一些潜在的机会。While low trusters avoid being duped they also miss out on potential opportunities.

直接和六大认证机构之一确认的话,可以帮你避免上当受骗。Checking with one of the big six agencies directly can help you avoid being scammed.

如果你马大哈,市场上卖衣服的那些人就会让你上当受骗。The people selling clothes in the market will do you in the eye if you are careless.

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在选择求职岗位时,只要始终坚持这一原则,就不会上当受骗。If you stick to that rule when considering possible jobs, you can't go too far wrong.

琐碎的信息应该被过滤掉,把它们当作相关的信息,会使你的头脑上当受骗。Minutia needs to be turned off because the brain is tricked into thinking it matters.

为了减少消费者对商品质量的担忧,淘宝向那些自称上当受骗的买家提供退款。To ease anxieties over quality, Taobao offers refunds to buyers who have felt cheated.