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最是少年别离时若离去便无期。Most are young feeling left and if ever.

多年以后,从此我们后会无期。Years later, after our life from now on.

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多年以后,从此我们后会无期。Many years later, we never ever meet again.

苦海无边,回头是岸。爱恨无期,放下得道。Hell at endless. Love hate life, put down word.

我记得,某年某月某天,你离去,后会无期。I remember, one of these day, you leave, never ever meet again.

外无期功强近之亲,内无应门五尺之童。The life work within the pro, strong nearly five feet without the boy answered.

等待只是无期的煎熬,英雄壮志才陪的上她的风华绝姿。Wait just life of suffering, the hero to accompany her ambition of the pose unique wireless.

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山高地阔兮见汝无期,更深夜阑兮梦汝来斯。梦中执手兮一喜一悲,觉后痛吾心兮无休歇时。I could not see you any more coz the high mounts and wide grounds, I dreamed you come to me at night.

“爱之欢乐仅为短短一瞬,”诗人唱道,“爱之痛苦却绵绵无期。”"The joys of love are but a moment long, " sang the troubadour, "but the pain of love endures forever.

苦笑孤身抗雪花,山冷岭寂恰无人,问君归期得无期,苦守古巷等君来。Smile of snow mountain alone, Leng Ling. Just nobody, if you return to life, to observe the ancient lane Jun.

天涯有边,思念无期。今生,在漫漫长夜,想你时,融进文字,不增不减。You have, miss period. In this life, in the night, thinking of you, integrated into the text, no more and no less.

你的所谓持久是指无期无误的记忆。你想头脑永垂不朽根本没可能。By permanency you mean unfailing memory through endless time. You want to eternalise the mind, which is not possible.

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有一年学校在交学费的时候强行多收取100元,理由是向家长的贷款,以用于教育建设,至于还款,不仅无期,而且无息。In one school fees of more than 100 yuan, imposed charge is offering loans to education, but not life, reimbursement, interest-free.

无性生殖的没有雌雄交媾而繁殖的,关于无期雌雄交配而繁殖的,涉及无雌雄交配而繁殖的,如在偶数分裂或萌芽中。Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding.

含泪转身的时刻,连再见都说不出口,因为害怕说再见后真的再也不见,不说再见是因为还想再见,虽然明知再见无期。A tearful goodbye turning moment, say, for fear of having said goodbye was not seen again, don't say goodbye because she wanted to see, while knowing that goodbye without period.

可能很难设想宇宙绵延无期,就像时间的无垠雪原,这种想法甚至令人难以忍受,但是这一观念至少给人以永恒的宁静感。That absolute expanse might be difficult, even unbearable, to contemplate, like an infinite snow field of time, but the conception at least carried with it the serenity of the eternal.

大规模的,刺激性的,甚至害怕表示其目的是为了推翻一个极其顽固的政府,蔑视公众舆论,美国发动了史无前例而漫漫无期的越南战争。Massive, irritating and even scary expressions of it were vital in shaking an obdurate Government, contemptuous of public opinion, from its determination to pursue war ad infinitum in Vietnam.