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魏明是怎样备考的?Weiming is how pro forma?

而且我参加了备考的培训班。and I did study like a prep class.

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你们想一起备考吗?Do you want to study together for the exam?

我以前在日本时曾经辅导过日本学生备考托福和托业考试。I used to be a teacher in Japan, where I taught TOEIC and TOFEL.

大部分首轮通过的学生都在春季学期就开始备考。Most students who pass the prelims started studying before spring quarter.

我们建议准备参加DELE考试备考班课程,以便顺利通过考试。We recommend attending a DELE preparation course in order to easily pass the exam.

而在备考后期更是重要,要特别将重点熟记与融会贯通。During the last moment is more important, remember all the emphasis and digest them.

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在备考期间,学生通常不会去工作,这进一步加重了他们的经济负担。During this period, the students usually do not work, which only adds to the burden.

论全国报关员资格考试及其备考方法分析。Study on Methods for National Customs Declarant Qualification Test and Its Analysis.

往届生可以充分利用这些资源为自己的备考助力。Toward unripe can make full use of these resource for reference for his help strength.

在两个月中,我女儿必须每天花费3个小时的时间为英语科目备考。My daughter had to study for the English test for three hours every day for two months.

这就是为什么备考SSAT的学生需要提前预支足够的时间来准备这个部分。This is why students preparing for the SSAT should give themselves plenty of time in advance.

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每次测试前都会给你们考点,那里面会告诉你如何备考Each test comes in advance with a prep sheet telling you how to get ready for that particular test.

为通过即将来临的考试,同学们都各显其通,用各种各样的方法备考。For the upcoming exam, the students are showing their pass, use a variety of methods for reference.

本文从几个方面谈论了高考英语书面表达的备考策略。This paper talks about some test-taking strategies for English writing in NMT from several aspects.

就在格雷西出生的前几周,约旦还在备考普通中等教育证书,但他说自己很清楚自己的责任。Jordan, who sat his final GCSE just weeks before Gracie arrived, said he understands responsibility.

在雅思备考过程中,很多同学都面临着词汇量不足的问题。One huge problem students are having in preparing for IELTS test is an inadequate amount of vocabulary.

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睡眠对于男性和女性而言,都有助于巩固学习成果,比如帮助大学生们备考。Sleep can help reinforce learning in both men and women, such as college students readying for an exam.

新东方的主要课程包括英语及其它外语类课程、备考类课程及在线教育课程。New Oriental offers English and other foreign-language classes, test-preparation and online instruction.

今年我认真备考,把每次模拟考试都当做实战来对待。This year I took the preparation seriously and regarded every simulation exam as the real one, " he says."