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我要捣毁内普丘恩煤矿。Some coal mines had to shut down.

如有必要捣毁敌指挥中心。And destroy enemy command center if nece ary.

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但她无尽噜噜捣毁联系。But her endless chatter destroys the connection.

人权团体表示,他们将就捣毁令提出上诉。Human rights groups say they will appeal the demolition orders.

我们要一举捣毁这处窟穴,把土匪一网打尽!We should destroy the lair at one stroke and wipe out the bandits.

为了报复,以色列当局捣毁了他位于加沙的家。In retaliation, Israeli authorities demolished the family’s home in Gaza.

这个淘气的男孩因为捣毁了蜂房而被蜜蜂追赶。The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.

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粗暴乐趣的新版本,捣毁击中了棋,头盖骨?The newest version of the outrageously fun, smash-hit board game, Cranium?

你可以通过这个方法一举捣毁整个小强老巢。You may be able to destroy an entire colony of roaches through this method.

这些博物馆也许外观壮丽,但是在它们周围,历史正在被捣毁。The museums may look splendid, but, around them, history is being pulverised.

尖刀班出奇制胜,捣毁了敌人指挥部。The bayonet squad made a surprise attack and wiped out the enemy's command post.

深泽县公安局城区分局日前成功捣毁一赌博窝点。Shenze Public Security Bureau has successfully destroyed a city of gambling dens.

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这些部队正准备捣毁那个国家,他们看样子就象出来野餐的人。These troops were preparing to destroy the country, and they looked like picnickers.

全世界需要作出更多的努力,不要让性别灭绝这头“恶魔”捣毁了这半边天。The world needs to do more to prevent a gendercide that will have the sky crashing down.

今年一月份,一个国际犀牛走私集团遭到捣毁,有11人被逮捕。In January an international rhino-smuggling ring was smashed and 11 people were arrested.

两年前,一群生态骇客冲进苏格兰爱丁堡的一块农田,捣毁了种植的油菜。Two years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland, eco-vandals stormed a field, crushing canola plants.

木偶们捣毁饭厅,从天花板的电扇上倒吊下来,毁掉了墙上的画。Dummies trash the dining room, hang from ceiling fans, and ruin the paintings on the walls.

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日子久了,他们的怒气爆发,才有捣毁机器那一幕的发生。As time goes by, their anger outbreaks have destroyed the machine that scene from happening.

在地方一级,他们捣毁了酒馆,并选举出反对酒商的市政会。On the local level they smashed saloons and elected city councils opposed to the liquor dealers.

公安机关还捣毁了一批生产、仓储和加工的窝点。Authorities also destroyed the processing facilities where the chemicals were produced and stored.