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他的妻子是王族的后裔。His wife was of royal ancestry.

王族家庭由国王,王后以及他们的支属构成。The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations.

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可是并非任何一个家族都可以拿来当作一个王族的世系。But the first family that comes to hand does not suffice to make a dynasty.

由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.

哈马德也被称为“彩虹酋长”,是阿布达比酋长国的王族成员。Hamad, also known as the "Rainbow Sheikh" is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family.

哈马德也被称为“彩虹酋长”,他是阿布扎比王族的成员。Hamad, also known as the 'Rainbow Sheikh', is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family.

莱娅是王族的养女,这是宫廷中尽人皆知的事实。It was common knowledge throughout the court that Leia was adopted into the Royal Family.

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如果敌对的王族抵抗或制造麻烦,他们就军事解决。When a rival lord spurned their advances or stirred up trouble, they flexed their military might.

每位作者都坚信,民众不过是王族、警察等手中的棋子。Each author was convinced that men were merely pawns in the hands of the princes, the police, and so on.

起初,在释种王族子弟出家的当儿,调达也追随着出家。At first, in the interpretation of the kind of royal children of be son, tone of monks also follow monks.

虽然黛安娜对于拜尔马洛的众王族感到有些害怕,可她十分明智没有前往城堡。Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral, Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself.

虽然戴安娜对于拜尔马洛德众王族感到有些害怕,可她十分明智没有前往城堡。Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral, Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself.

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金雀花王朝,在法国又名安茹王朝,是一个源于法国安茹的王族。The House of Plantagenet, also called the House of Angevin in France, is a royal house of the branch of the Angevins.

帝国崛起后控制了杜罗星,开始在古老的“王族山谷”附近开采矿产。When the Empire came into power and seized control of Duro, it began mining operations near the ancient Valley of Royalty.

玫瑰战争是中世纪英格兰的一系列围绕约克和兰开斯特两大王族的内战。The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought in medieval England from 1455 to 1485 between House of Lancaster and House of York.

一是周文王弟15子毕公高的后裔,因本来是王族,所以他们以王为姓。While ising a week, text younger brother Wang2's 15 sons finish Mr. high descendant, originally is a blood royal, so they take king as surname.

盛装的宗教祭司头戴王冠代表王族,在圣器里摆放祭祀用的食物和美酒。Religious officials, dressed in costumes with a crown for the king and diadems for the others, make offerings of food and wine in sacred vessels.

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玛丽亚抹大拉的姓氏是抹大拉,一座城堡,出生于正义的父母和高贵血统,从王族的血统流传下来。Mary Magdalene had her surname of Magdala, a castle, and was born of right noble lineage and parents, which were descended of the lineage of kings.

玉佛寺是泰国王族供奉玉佛像和举行宗教仪式的场所,因寺内供奉着玉佛而得名。Jade Buddha Temple is the Jade Buddha Thai royal family worship places and religious ceremonies for the mosque, which houses the Emerald Buddha named.

接下来几个月,西班牙人占据古斯果宫殿和宽广的郊区庄园,强占王族女性作情人或妻子。In the months that followed, the Spanish invaders seized the palaces of Cusco and the spacious country estates and took royal women as mistresses and wives.