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她则为她们辩护。She defended them.

竭力为它们辩护。Fight to defend them.

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我从未为陈进辩护。I never defended Jin Chen.

辩护和证明决策。Defend and justify decisions.

我喜欢这种必要性辩护。I love the necessity defence.

你会为洛克辩护吗?Are you going to defend Locke?

Cowing为联合国的这份报告辩护。Cowing defended the UN report.

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我希望你不要替他辩护。I hope you are not excusing him.

但是他们还没有得到辩护。But these have not been defended.

有人要为页面浏览量辩护吗?Anyone want to defend the pageview?

他试图为他的行为辩护。He attempts to justify his conduct.

他成功地为自己的主张进行了辩护。He defended his claim successfully.

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皮尔逊先生的辩护成功了。Mr Pearson's defense was successful.

他为自己的行为辩护。He justified himself for his conduct.

我只有一次听到他在法庭上作辩护。I heard him plead in court only once.

再来一个为洛克辩护的,你来。One more defender of Locke. Go ahead.

被告人有权获得辩护。The accused has the right to defense.

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嗯,他是怎样为奴隶制辩护的?Well, what is his defense of slavery?

比如马库斯,他就为他们辩护。here's Marcus, he just defended them.

所有这三支球队都非常好辩护。All three are extremely well defended.