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这是一种由重烧镁砂制成的混合型低铬镁砖。This is a hybrid magnesia low chromite brick made from dead burned magnesia.

本文提出了一种综合利用含铜镁砖的新方法。This paper presents a new method for the comprehensive utilization of copper- containing magnesite bricks.

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为延长炉衬的使用寿命,用镁质捣打料代替镁砖打结精炼电炉炉衬。To prolong furnace lining′s service life, refining furnace lining is rammed with magnesia ramming material instead of magnesia brick.

用镁质干式打结耐火材料代替成型镁砖作为铁合金精炼电炉的炉衬材料在中国已得到普遍应用。Magnesia ramming materials have been widely used in China instead of magnesia bricks as furnace lining materials of ferroalloy refining furnace.

介绍了镁砖自动配料系统的控制要求、控制方案选用、硬件设计和软件设计。Introduces the control requirement, control project choice, hardware and software design for automatic batching system of magnesia refractory brick.

常用的耐火砖有硅砖、半硅砖、粘土砖、高铝砖、铬砖、镁砖、碳砖等。The commonly-used firebricksare silica brick, semisilica brick, fireclay brick , high-alumina brick, chrome brick, magnesia brick, carbon brick, etc.

作者从镁砖的固有特性出发,分析了电硅热法微碳铬铁炉衬的侵蚀机理。In view of inherent feature of magnesian brick, the author analyzed the lining erosion mechanism in low-carbon ferrochrome furnace using electric- silicothermic process.

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研制刚玉氧化镁砖替代铝镁碳砖,钢包的使用寿命提高了近一倍,平均浸蚀速率小于0。After using Corundum-Magnesia bricks instead of Alumina-Magnesia-Carbon bricks, the refractory working life have become twice, average eroding rate for one cycle have been below 0.

采用重选法有效地回收了炼铜拆炉废镁砖中的金银合金,介绍和分析了分选工艺流程及设备参数对分选回收率的影响。In this paper, the effects of the process flow of treating waste magnesite brick and the influence of equipment parameters on the recovery rate of the alloy are introduced and analysed.

为了提高高碳铬铁的回收率,分析了影响渣中铬含量的因素,并通过配加废镁砖和菱镁矿作了初步试验。To increase recovery of high carbon ferrochrome, the effecting factors of chrome contents in slags were analysed, and the preliminary test of adding waste magnesia brick and magnesite were conducted.