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不需要有听筒喇叭扩音器。Not with the handset speakerphone.

你们要横幅和扩音器吗?Would you like a streamer and amplifier?

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这个实验室还为扩音器产品评级。The lab also produces ratings for loudspeakers.

“停住,”Rescorla通过扩音器命令。"Stop, " Rescorla ordered through the bullhorn.

他在讲话前先轻叩了一下扩音器。He gave a tap at the microphone before speaking.

侦探用手提式扩音器向持枪歹徒发话让他投降。The detective bullhorned the gunman to surrender.

然后一位叫尚塔尔.科诺的主管举起了扩音器。Then Chantal Kenol, a director, raised a bullhorn.

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它有个不错的扩音器,另外还有个微型话筒。It has a decent speaker, and even a tiny microphone.

为了使人人都能听到,他们使用了扩音器。So that everyone could hear, they used a loud- hailer.

扩音器里传来的通知很重要。The anouncement from the microphone is very important.

用锣鼓,扩音器和录音机帮忙。Use drums and gongs , megaphones and recorders to help.

宣传员用扩音器对群众讲话。The propagandist used an amplifier to address the crowd.

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不要动,“瑞斯寇拉透过扩音器指挥。"Stop, " Rescorla ordered through the bullhorn. "Be still.

这种熊其实是一个枕头,不过装有内置的扩音器。The bear is used as a pillow, but has a built-in microphone.

相比网络扩音器,有钱人更看重个人网络。The rich value personal networks more than online megaphones.

如果你是美国总统,你不需要扩音器。And you don't need a megaphone when you're the U.S. President.

回到车上,菲尔告诉我有扩音器在叫我。Back on board Phil tells me I am being called over the tannoy.

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新版本的EMILY还将拥有一个麦克风和一个扩音器。The new version will also have a microphone and a loudspeaker.

现在,在拥挤的楼梯井,Rescorla在扩音器里唱起歌。Now, in the crowded stairwell, Rescorla sang into the bullhorn.

使用有线耳机或扩音器功能,就能达到预防目的。Just use a wired headset or the speakerphone function,” she said.