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他不愿有家室拖累。He refused to lumber himself with a family.

你们要按家室拈阄,承受那地。Distribute the land by lot, according to your clans.

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革顺的儿子按着家室是立尼、示每。The sons of Gershon, by clans, were Libni and Shimei.

革顺的儿子按著家室、是立尼、示每。The sons of Gershon, by clans , were Libni and Shimei.

米拉利子孙中各族被数的,照着家室,宗族。The Merarites were counted by their clans and families.

我会觉得受老婆、子女家室之累。I'd feel chained down with a wife, a house and children.

革顺子孙中被数的,照著家室、宗族。The Gershonites were counted by their clans and families.

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我必使你安靖,不被一切仇敌扰乱,并且我耶和华应许你,必为你建立家室。Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house.

收生婆因为敬畏神,神便叫他们成立家室。And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families.

如果你是有家室之人,我建议你再去读一下他们的博客。If you have a family, I recommend you read their blogs too.

有家室的警察必须兼差才能维持家计。Policemen with families have to moonlight to make ends meet.

使他的子孙流离失所,沿门乞食,使他由残破的家室里,被人逐离。May his children go begging, driven out of their ruined homes.

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他有家室了。他认为纽约市对家庭不大适宜。He has a family. He thinks New York City isn't good for a family.

收生婆因为敬畏神,神便叫她们成立家室。Because the midwives feared God, He established households for them.

收生婆因为敬畏神,神便叫她们成立家室。And because the midwives feared God , he gave them families of their own.

赫提斯是家室之神,像征著家庭中的生命与幸福。Hestin, the goddess of the family, represented home life and family happiness.

乌薛的儿子以利撒反作哥辖宗族家室的首领.The leader of the families of the Kohathite clans was Elizaphan son of Uzziel.

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和生活费用相比,工资实在太低了,有家室的人很难靠这点钱养家活口。Wages are so low in relation to the cost of living that a family man cannot survive on them.

凡被数的利未人,就是摩西、亚伦并以色列众首领,照著家室、宗族所数点的。So Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel counted all the Levites by their clans and families.

摩西,亚伦与会众的诸首领将哥辖的子孙,照着家室,宗族。Moses, Aaron and the leaders of the community counted the Kohathites by their clans and families.